Loving the herd life
We all have our own way of treating animals. I have a neighbor that uses lye to deworm his pigs ...he says it is an old country method. Over medicating will work but why use more than required. BTW I never said Cocci was a worm and i have used deworming meds in conjunction with Dimethox but this person said she had already dewormed her animals. As far as ill effect from 40% Dimethox the recommended dosage is 1ml per 16 lbs body weight and is usually used for cattle ...that is where i am getting that one.helmstead said:Huh?? Cocci is not a worm. You can deworm safely while treating for cocci. Matter of fact - Panacur/Safe Guard, tho practically useless for deworming, is highly effective as an antiprotozoal (cocci are protozoans) using it in conjuction with coccidia treatments is beneficial.mully said:Coccidia treatment is best done alone and not with one of the broad spectrum worm meds. that claim to be all inclusive.
And I also have had no ill effect from using 40% Dimethox - on three week old kids. I don't know where you are getting that one either.