Kevin Paul Harrison
Just born
Hello! I'm new to backyard herds so I'm not sure how to post and all but anyway, I have a Pygmy goat about 4 months old that was given to me, he was given to me at 2 months of age but he doesn't seem to grow at all, his belly is always huge and he seems really skinny, I don't have a vet that treats goats anywhere near me but I've gotten advice from a nearby goat owner and she told me it could be worms and so I wormed him and I'm not sure how long it takes to see a difference but it's been 3 weeks and I see no difference, he eats lots of hay and a bit of grain every day but doesn't seem to gain weight or lose the big belly, or even grow at all, he is a wether btw. Please help ASAP thank you in advance! Edit: he isn't my Only goat, I have 4 more beside him and they all seem fine, I even have a bottle baby Nigerian dwarf about 8 weeks old and he's bigger than him!