thanks @Southern by choice, @Goat Whisperer@Hens and Roos@lcertuche and @norseofcourse its good to be back. feels like old home week. and SBC when all is said and done i will have 2 adult does and 3 dry yearlings plus the buck. i don't know how long its been since i've had so few goats and i'm not sure how i feel about it all. kind of like when i sold my last horse it leaves me with an empty spot.
took off to town today with dstr's#1 & #5 for a much needed hair cut, lunch at one of our favorite Chinese places and a little grocery shopping. i love going to aldi to shop but i also like that wally world will price match aldi's ads. sad but true i spend way more on the animals feed than i do mine for the most part but i guess in reality when i buy their food i'm buying mine too.
tomorrow porkchop the white pig gets a free ride to freezer camp. i'll be glad when he's gone, he's pretty mean to little spot. had miss penny not surprised me with bacon bits she'd be going too. the bacon bit got his first taste of mixed up pig feed day before yesterday. his little slurps and grunts were so cute.
night youall, got to fold some laundry before i hit the hay.
We went to Aldi's today. We feed our animals well too. But we have pork, lamb and chicken in the freezer, plus eggs to eat. We're going to raise pigs again this coming fall/winter.
got porkchop gone yesterday, ya gotta love an animal that will follow you anywhere for a scoop of feed. he hopped right up into the trailer like he did it every day. good piggy! then loaded my lawn mower into the stock trailer and took it over to get it worked on. mechanic pushed it out of the trailer and turned the key... started right up. grrr. he turned it off and I said ok smarty start it again which he proceeded to do with a turn of the key. loaded it back up, brought it home, pushed it out of the trailer, started it up and drove it about 6 feet where it promptly died never to start again. dingdang thing. so it is now sitting in my front yard awaiting another ride over to craigs. cleaned out the trailer from the night the goats and sheep stayed in it because of the fire, unhooked it and took off for the feed store. on the way there sl called about a sick goat she had and asked us to stop by on our way home. this is the lady that @Devonviolet got her ducks from. we helped her do some goat wrestling and med giving and got some visiting done. I'm going back today to take her some fresh goats milk and pick up a new drake. think this one will be chocolate barred. since the bobcat or whatever got my other 2 drakes I thought it would be smart of me to have at least one more in case something happened to heuy. got home and unloaded 1100# of feed between the 2 places then went about doing all my chores. long day but nice anyway. weather was gorgeous
In the morning, I planted some seeds in one of six (72 cell) seed flats, that I'm starting for our new garden.
Then it was outside, to help DH load sod into our lawn tractor pulled yard wagon, to take out to the pasture, to fill holes. While we were doing that, we stopped to look at the blasted burn pile (one of THREE) the previous owner started, but never burned. It has been bugging me since we moved here. Last summer, wild bees took up residence, and attacked us every time we came near the pile. A quick assessment, of weather (low wind) and short, green, winter rye around the pile, we decided to light the burn pile. (Sorry, I didn't have my phone with me, so no pics.)
Once the wood had died down a bit, we started carrying wood, from the third burn pile to the burning pile. Once that pile was gone, we took a look at some of the rotted, downed trees on the edge of the woods, and decided to add what we could to the burn pile. What a job! Now we need to bring the chain saw out and cut the rotting trunks to manageable lengths, and start up the burn pile one last time to burn that wood. Once it is reduced to a pile of ash, that will go into our vegetable garden.
While the pile was burning, we went back to moving sod from the garden to fill holes/low spots in the pasture. Oh my aching back!
Then, it was time to give Falina & Ruby some attention. I have discovered that they LOVE alfalfa pellets! When they first came here, they weren't interested. So, yesterday, I took that opportunity to touch the girls every time they took a pellet from my hand, they got a stroke on the back. As usual, Falina was more skittish than Ruby. However, I am bound and determined that Falina (and Ruby) will learn that I love them and they are safe with me. A wise woman once told me it takes patience. Well, patience takes time and I have plenty of that! So, fear not, Sweet Falina! I shall prevail!!!
This morning, DH is taking a break, as yesterday took it's toll on his poor aging body. He is a bit sore today. Me, not so much. So, I am back to planting more seeds.