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- #401
Herd Master
well I got the puddin' scared out of me night before last. fed everybody out and around the place, noticed that Katie was playing with her puppies and basically thought 'how sweet is that' and since it was colder than a well diggers pick I went on back in the house while I could still feel my nose and settled in to get warm. a bit later I thought that I should go out and check to make sure all of the pups had gone back into their calf hutch and gone to bed, colder than blue blazes I took a quick run out to check and nope I was missing 3 pups and the two left at home were whining and crying. I started looking everywhere they might be and failed miserably before my flashlight died. came back in the house to warm up and get the light recharged and did a lot of prayin'. no puppies in any of the 3 calf hutches, no puppies in the goat side or the hay side of the barn, no body in the dog house, no one in the chicken house and no one around my house or outbuildings or around str#3's house. by this time I was frozen, it was 4 degrees out. came back in to warm up a little and do a lot more praying and headed back out. checked in the hay around both round bales and that little voice said go check the chicken house again, for the 3rd time I might add, and there were 3 little brown puff balls, yes they are suppose to be white but they were brown from playing in the loose chicken dust. I was so grateful to God that they were safe and sound, bundled them up and took them home to mom and siblings. they all cuddled up and did fine but it took a hot shower and a big cup of hot tea before I warmed up. I do have to say that between that giant moon and my flashlight the grass and hay looked like it had a million sparkly diamonds scattered around the goat yard. it was beautiful in a frozen glittery way. 2x4 panel gate was closed so there would be no more escapes. Katie wasn't happy to be locked in with all of them but I didn't care. dang dogglets!