Overrun with beasties
I'm with Helmstead...You need a balanced diet for any goat that contains enough protein and fat to maintain body condition. A lactating doe requires alot more to keep her in shape. I would think it better to be feeding a good ration and not worry about "treats"...Can you add calf manna? Probably, but you can overdo anything...I would add it very slowly to your exsisting ration to give her rumen a chance to "get aquainted to it"...I begin to add BOSS to all my lactating does diet as soon as they kid, I would rather top dress with Fast Fat,ADM,but that would be too expensive. I have found that adding an extra fat source from the onset of lactation will make it easier to keep a doe in prime shape.Bring said:Update: I was just reading that some people give calf manna to their skinny goats! Do you think this will help fatten up my doe who got skinny this winter? She gave birth to a doeling a year and 2 months ago and she is still nursing!! (she's been a great mama). I don't want to seperate them because they are the only goats I have, therfore they are their herd. They freak out whenever they can't see/get to eachother. That's why I was wondering about puting peanut butter on heathly snacks for the mama so she would eat them.
Goats can eat anything! Go for it!
Sure your goat/horse/dog/whatever will eat almost anything...BUT that doesn't mean it will benefit them to eat it..Do you think, if allowed, to your horse/goat would eat enough to founder? Would your dog eat the dead possum on the road in front of your house? The object of responsible breeders/ranchers is to feed our animals what they need to thrive...No More...No Less...because all .....ALL animals are like a kid with an Easter basket filled with chocolate eggs...Eat until they are sick...JMOWhen we had our 14 goats, they loved just about anything! crackers, pop sickles, once I left a bunch of paper in their pen, and I came back and ... it was GONE!!!! They loved eating my cloths, too!