My goats had to be kept in a horse stall when they first got here. It totally freaked them out, they had never been fully enclosed before. They were only in th horse stall about a week before I finished their other enclosure. They were also reluctant to go in to that shelter. They also would stand by the gate and even out in the rain. I had to go out and lure them into the shelter with food. I fed them in there all the time. I put down nice dry bedding, some things to climb on and a few sheets of plywood propped against the walls where they could curl up underneath for security and warmth. It took time, but they eventually started to see that shelter as home base. Goats don't like change and it takes time for them to adjust.
I would put either tin or wood on the sides to close it in, but leave the opening for the door, a tarp they will most likely eat.
you could close them in with the food and water at night to get them used to it. we have feeders on the walls, so the hay doesn't go to waste so much. also is that plastic on the ground? they might not like walking on that, or they may try to eat it, I would take that up and put straw down. we have enclosed barns for all our animals, they go in when they want to, even in the summer if you have ventilation they will still go in, but ours sleep outside most of the time, unless bad weather or very cold then they sleep inside on the warm straw! you could build a platform also they do like to be up off the ground sometimes we have our platform built up in steps so they can climb up.
I also closed mine in at night with food an water, and that helped them recognise it as home.
I wouldn't bother closing in the sides, espcially since you'r in Florida. I know a lot of goats up here in the north that don't have fully enclosed pens even in the winter and they are fine.
My goats were freaked out by a totally enclosed space. They acted like it was going to collapse on them, or they were going to get cornered by a predator! Very suspicious of enclosed spaces.
They will catch on, just give it time. If its warm while its raining, don't worry about them standing out in it, they will be fine, or go inside. I only worry about rain when its a cold rainy day. Goats do hate to be wet, so they will figure it out. Perhaps they feel the shelter is more threatening right now than rain? Feed them in there, they'll get used to it.
Ours shelter is weird, but we make do. It has 3' walls, then wire between the walls & roof (about another 2.5' high). So we cover part of the wire w/ tarps & plastic, but it keeps blowing down. We are on a hill though, and it gets real windy here.
We're looking to put plywood up w/ hinges that we can close & open as needed.
Our goats STAY in the shelter when it rains. However they'll sit in the 110 degree sun, when a shade tree is 5' away (just to stay near the gate!!). So some goats are just weird.
The goats have gotton a little more used to their shelter, it got colder here and they were using it not only during rain but also at night. We have been thinking of ways to try and close it in some, at least on a couple of sides to minimize draft, but like someone else said it gets so hot in the summer here we'd like to be able to remove/open the walls.
As for the tarp on the's some sort of thick black mesh that was there from the previous owners, and I am going to remove it. The goats do seem dirtier now that they are in their shelter more often and I think part of it is the tarp. I also want to get more straw...just nervous because the last bale of straw that we got was full of cockroaches.