I should probably shave her be able to see it but she definitely has filled up more and udder is a lot more noticeable when we first got her you definitely could not see any udder and now it’s definitely there I’m waiting for warmer weather to shave her New York weather keeps bouncing around
Well one thing is as of last night she is being extremely loving she actually just licked my face and I think I definitely felt on right lower side above the udder I felt a kick definitely felt like the kid kicked I know there digestion is on left and can definitely make it’s seem like moving but isn’t but it was definitely right lower side above udder I felt this and she have some clear cloudy mucus discharge
Well today she has been breathing heavy and here udder I swear has been getting bigger every time I check on her and now tonight I just checked her again and she now have white mucus discharge and her ligaments by her tail are definitely gone now they felt like they were there a little bit this morning but now nothing hoping for babies soon
Ligs gone should mean that you have less than 12 hrs. (Some come and go for up to a week before.) Discharge is a good sign that you are really close though.
Have you read The Doe Code? If not, just search it on her. We joke about it all the time but it’s pretty much right on. (Easier to laugh about when it’s someone else and not you...and no I’m not laughing at you, just thought you’d get a kick out of reading it and understand why all of our kidding threads are 30 pages of daily lig, udder filling, and prominent hip updates!)