Herd Master
Well, I use an old chicken house for our 3 pygmy goats. It was designed with 2 different sides...a roost side and a nest side with a hole in the dividing wall so on bad days they could go from side to side without going outside. Here are some pics....
the left side is their sleeping shelter, and the right is where I feed them in bad was raining when I took this. Here is the inside.... this is the lounging area.... this is the feeding side. I don't have a pic on my phone of the hole, but it isn't very big and all 3 goats can run thru it, and they aren't tiny goats, tho they are a far cry from a standard sized goat.... it is my wife in the pic and she is 5'9" with a 34" inseam, just so ya can have some perspective. Our goats have horns, too. So ya may want to put the small door up a bit with access up and away from the goats if it is small enough, like some small branches the goats probably won't climb it, but figure on them trying. We've only had ours for a yr and a half, so it wasn't too long ago we were in your shoes of Wanting, but never had. They truly are interesting and great animals, but as mischiveous as 3-5yr olds. They will certainly Amaze ya with their antics and personalities. Presently I am working to expand the fenced area so we can add a few more. Hope some of this will help ya, and tho my experience is very limited, will answer what I can for ya....all ya gotta do is ask.