Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Thank you everyone...Here are some pictures..will try to get better ones tomorrow. Bambi's baby Cally 066.jpg Bambi's baby Cally 071.jpg Bambi's baby Cally 073.jpg Bambi's baby Cally 106.jpg Bambi's baby Cally 107.jpg haven't got a weight just yet. Sister in law named her Callie for calico.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Good morning!

Callie was sold as a bottle baby on Friday. I hated to see her go. I referred to her as eye candy. She wasn't mine or she most likely would have been a keeper. Well at least she went to a person I know will care for her very well. Plus she has other little ones to romp around with.

My oldest DD got an apartment finally and is pretty much settled in. They also got a new (used) van. Makes life easier as between her and fiance they have 8 children. They are working on getting their old car fixed so they have two vehicles on the road.

My middle DD has been with us for two months and she finally has stumbles onto an apartment that will work for them if they get approved. Her DH is suppose to go with her this afternoon so as he can see it. They have 3 children between them. The youngest one is here all the time, she is 16 months. The other two children are from previous relationships and each parent shares custody so they are here every other week.

Love my children, but will be glad when I get my house back to myself...lol.

Still working on & waiting to see if I get custody of my other 3 grandchildren. Long process as they are out of state.

Other farm business: Miss Mavis has not kidded. I know I could be off a few days (they were penned with buck for a week) however, I am starting to get concerned. She stopped showing any discharge about a week ago. She has bagged up a little bit more, but not much.

Poppit is back in population. She wasn't very appreciative of sharing space with the puppies again, but has since has settled. Bambi will go back in general population on Monday if it's not pouring here otherwise it will be Tuesday. This is because I supervise for a couple hours with the puppies. At that time Venus will join Mavis in the nursery area as she is the next one due. She isn't due until the end of March, but putting her there serves two purposes. 1) she keeps Mavis company & 2) she gets a little one on one from me. This she need as she has become a bit skittish. Hoping this helps to readjust her confidence. After Venus I get a break on kidding until May.

I also need to do some hoof trimming this week. Some of my goats hooves grow pretty fast.

I will be watching my ewe closely as she should be dropping a lamb either the first week in March or the last week in March. She is definitely looking prego.

My friend that owns the property where my animals are seems to be heading down hill pretty rapidly with her Alzheimer's. I have been helping there as much as possible. Also found out this last week that my mother is in kidney failure. They are thinking stage three, but will find out more in the next few months after more blood work and a few more appointments. She only has one kidney, had the other removed in her 30's.

Positive note: I received my registration for ADGA yesterday in the mail. Now waiting on the AGS. Want to blood draws this month and get the herd tested. Then I will work on getting them registered. Slow process but I am getting there.

Also have been working on a Disney theme dance that our church will be hosting for the community next month. Hoping this comes together as well as I have pictured in my mind. Ballroom idea with Disney characters for the young ones to dance, talk with & take pictures with.

Pups are doing well. I have one small hitch and I am not sure how to handle it. Right now a whole lot of scolding and blocking them from being near the goat for about 20 minutes ( now that is fun!, not). Anyway, the pups, usually Grub instigating & Jethro then joining, will occasionally single out one doe. Chase her from the barn and then keep her in a corner in the pasture. They do not put their mouth on the goats. However, they do put their giant paws on them when they do this. It's driving me batty! Most of the time they are behaving and intermingle with the goats with no problems. Even sleeping with them all curled up together. They even growl when I go to check on the nursery at night until they figure out it is me. @Southern by choice any suggestions for me? Was hoping the older dogs would step in on this one, but they have not.

If we have some days without rain this week, I am going to start working on placing my poles for the next pasture areas. This way I can see how many more I am going to need. Then I can run what electric fencing I do have so I can see how much more of that I need as well. I am hoping to have that area all done by time end of April rolls around so in May the goats can be turned out in the new area. Need to get last years pasture closed off so the grass can return in full. Then I will be set up for rotating pastures.


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
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NE Ohio
My goodness you have a lot going on! :hugs and good thoughts for your mom and your friend, both of those very stressful situations. Good luck on the rest as well, and I hope you can take some time for you, too.