Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Sounds real good @goats&moregoats :) I've not had goats but I do understand they aren't real keen on staying where they are put. Alpacas are conveniently generally amenable to staying behind a fence. Of course not always, my neighbor has a black one that kept slipping through the wide tape hotwire. The grass is always greener but he never went far from his side of the fence and his brown buddy. I saw him out once close to the garage. I went over and opened the gate, he went in. A different time he was on the south side and just pushed back through the tape when I approached. Looks like they've gone from 3 "strands" to 4 and the boys finally got sheared. I'm betting he never even felt the hot wire with 2 years growth.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@Bruce , These 5 goats are quite content to stay in the large pasture together. Just when I separate the bucks & whether from the does. They have always been together(previous owner) so I know it's going to be more difficult. The poor young guy is now 8 months had has always been with his dam, so I know I have weeks of bleating coming up.

So I have made a little more progress with the lovely weather yesterday. I would have made more progress, however my morning got rearrange(again) for me. So didn't get started until 2 pm. Anyhow, I got most of the insulators in place. Today turned up wet and chilly so will do house chores. Suppose to get warmer weather here again this week. Buck pen will be complete before the week is out. The cold is not the problem as far as working outside though. It's the combination of cold and wet. My arthritis just doesn't work well with that at all.

Chloe has been friendly from day one, BB now has to greet me every morning when I let them out of the barn. Gully is now use to me petting him everyday. Cookie is still not sure of me, though she has never run from me...she just moves away at my approach. Rambo does not take off like a bat out of hell any more, but still will not let me near him. This should all be fun as this week they all need their shots and copper bolus. Also hoping for hoof trimming before snow really decides to settle in.

@Baymule : not a whole lot to catch you up on as far as custody battle. I am getting ready for a day and a half of court and a visit with the kids following that. Court is Dec. 13 & 14th. I have to leave VT no later than the morning of the 12th. Depending on the weather reports at the time, I may need to leave early. My lawyer still believes I have a good chance at getting the two girls. I just hope we actually have court and it's not postponed again. Whatever the outcome of the judges decision is will be the final one. I have talked with my family (immediate & extended), we have reached our limit on expenses for this. So their will be no appeal if the answer is no. Between the trips, the lawyer and paying someone to come in to care for animals it has added up all to quickly. The lawyer has already gone beyond 10,000. Thankfully I have family that has paid for parts of the trips and lawyer and I can pay them back over time after it's all done.

Other news: My visit to Dr. Marsh has reached the decision for complete left knee replace meant. Knee has arthritis in two areas and cartilage is completely gone, so it's bone on bone. In the meantime there have been and will be other doctor and dental appointments between no and surgery date. That is Jan 22nd. I will be out of commission for a week except for inside with a walker. I have two people coming that week. One to stay and help me with with the elderly lady I care for and one to care for the animals. Then two weeks with a cane...hoping I can take care of animals at that point.

Also we have had the privilege of having to replace the floor and toilet in the downstairs bathroom. Currently it's been out of order for a little over a week. The lady's son has been working on it around his job. Unfortunately he doesn't get home until 6 and has to get up early. So the bathroom has had a fresh coat of paint on the walls...sub floor and floor replaced. Now it has to have the tile put down. Then everything can be put back into place....in the Spring there is work to be done in her kitchen.

So that is my world right now in a nut shell. I will keep moving forward.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
It does sound like ya have a couple of months of difficult situations to be faced and gone thru.....sure hope that all turns out well, but some things never seem to always go that way, unfortunately....ya have been thru a ton already. The good thing about it all tho, is ya will get some definite answers and can put the unsettled times behind ya. I can understand the cold and wet as I experience the same discomfort....if that can be left behind it will certainly be a good thing and hope the healing of it goes well and quickly for ya. Prayers for your strength, comfort, and understanding surely continue and the Father's Will is all we can pray for or expect as followers of His Truth.....:)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I hope the judge rules in your favor. Expenses do mount up and can get expensive fast.

My husband had total knee replacement surgery. It was awesome. He can walk without pain and feels so much better. Be sure and do physical therapy, at a physical therapy facility is best instead of home health care. It's all about the therapy!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
New knee AND new shoulder, DH will be the bionic man.

Anything with a lawyer is expensive from the get go. Bunch of greedy sharks.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@Baymule , The physical therapy being the key is exactly what my doctor said....I was determined after my accident in 2012 that I would have full use of my arm....same doctor did that surgery as well...I did the physical therapy and doubled it at home...I want this even more...not being mobile is a fear I have had for a while...so I will be determined in this situation as well.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So I got a surprise PM on my FB page two days ago. The person I purchased Grub & Jethro from (previous LGD"S) contacted me to offer me 2 LGD's.

She had re-homed her last two LGD's when she got out of her hobby farm. The person she re-homed them to contacted her and wants to return them. The younger, 3 yrs, killed a baby pig( he didn't grow up with pigs) so she decided to send him back along with his partner (his mother). Both were raised with goats.

So this would be Jethro & Grub's brother and mother. Essie is 4 and Nanuk is 3. She did not breed Essie early on propose. As a matter of fact she didn't breed her at all. The bitch was pregnant when purchased but not known until about a month before delivery.

Anyhow, they need a home and she has offered them to me at no purchase cost. I am thrilled! She is currently working out the details to make it work for the current owner, herself and around my up coming week trip. Timing couldn't be better as the coyotes having been howling and prowling all week. With dogs in the pasture I can go back to the open door policy for my goat barn.

Like I said they both have been raised with goats, Dwarf Nigerians to be exact. They also both know & respect the electric fence. Essie is spayed and Deb is checking to see if the new owner had Nanuk neutered. I am hoping they did, but with Essie being spayed it would be ok if not. She is also checking to see if they are UTD on vaccines.

I am not sure why, but many farm friends around me are surprised to find out that 6 strands of electric fence have/ are keeping my goats/ and LGD's ,when there here, in. I still have two sections of the fence that are pallets with hot wire top and bottom, but hoping to switch all to 6 strands electric in the Spring.

I still have one kidding barn and pen to get in proper shape which It looks like I can do in the next couple of days. Warmer temps tomorrow and Wed. Hoping I can get some outside stuff done on those two days.

Praying & crossing my fingers here for the two LGD's and the work to get done.