Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
:( :hugs

I hope the guilty POA holder goes to jail. Strip her of every asset she has other than the clothes she is wearing until they put her in an orange jump suit. :somad


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
That is absolutely awful!!.....I sure know ya have been thru the wringer....more than a few times. We have an appointment this morning with the lawyer to attempt to determine if we have to vacate or not by the first....so, we could be right there with ya.....will continue the prayers for ya and will ask for strength, direction, and peace for ya too.....:hugs


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Thank you to all. This forum is so full of kindhearted supportive people. I just love how everyone is made to feel right at home.

So here is where I am at right now. I can't bring myself to sell my animals right now. When it absolutely has to be done I will face that challenge. Right now they give me peace & hope.

I moved the 6 Indian Runner ducks into the buck pen today. I got a couple pictures of the ducks, but was going to get pictures of their set up as well. I forgot in my haste to get things complete and tools picked up. So I will try to remember to get some tomorrow. I put a small wooden box upside down with an opening on a solid pallet. Built a feeder. That turned out pretty good, but it's not goat proof. So now I need to figure out how to make that adjustment. I think I have an idea that will work and still allow the ducks to eat. They have their small black swimming dish, but also have the old dog tub set up. Hope they discover that soon. Any how they were not happy with the move. The chicks however, were even more unhappy with me for moving them. They were telling me exactly how they felt too.
Let me say I have never seen a group of goats so unaffected by electric fence. I have never had difficulty before with it. I had another just walk right through like it wasn't even there. He must have got a little tingle at the end of his step, because he picked it up a little. He did turn around and come right back through. Any ideas? It's powered by a charger meant for horse fencing, so it has to be strong enough, was on a light 6000 when I checked it before letting them out of buck pen.
Other than that the animals are all doing well. The goats look better now, a bit more filled out. All of them. Sonny is my sweetest goat right now, but all the others are warming up finally. Sally has established herself as queen of the herd. Chicken run is not very big & there wasn't much for grass to start with, so I picked a ton of grass for the chicks to dig through. I have some dry grass in the barn from mowing that I will toss in there tomorrow and pull some more fresh for them as well.
I found a small opossum under a pallet I had laying around. Of course I didn't have anything with me to enforce an actual eviction, but he took off pretty quick after he realized I wasn't doing him in. I did have time to inform him to stay the heck away from my chicken coop, chickens & ducks and not to bring his momma back looking for me either.
So my SIL will be here Monday and we will see how it goes from there. I have a couple of ideas running around my head. I will toss them out there to her and see what it brings.
For now, this lady has a few more things to get done before calling it a night. Church after am chores.
The sixth duck is laying behind the others. Oh meant to mention. The black ducks have specks of gold(most likely yellow, but looks gold) throughout. One yellow has gray running through it and the silvers for the most part are still silver, but with some darker gray mixed in. I think they look cool. Quakers is the biggest black one.
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True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Well here is the setup I have for the ducks. They all survived their first night in a larger area. They found the small black "wading pool", I know because it was dirty. I will be delighted for them when they discover the deeper blue "pool". I not only put food in the feeding dish but also sprinkle some about withing the grass area. The house is not the only shelter they can seek. There are two goat shelters in this pen as well. In these pictures you can see Dot's legs on top of duck house. Hoping I can sneak up on the outside of the pen to get some really good pictures of the ducks. Their coloring is very pretty, but can't really see from a distance.
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And the goats have decided to make use of the extra climbing gear in the pen.
1) Dot underneath, Flash lying down & Dash 2) Flash up top, Dash underneath.
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and the chickens starting to enjoy a little more room.
1) if you enlarge you can see the splatter of gold in the black chicken, love the coloring of the chicken right next to it as well. 2) picture chicken at far left is absolutely gorgeous. I will attempt to get some better shots of the chickens this after noon or tomorrow.
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Now off to church.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Sure wish I were set up to foster your animals while you get things settled out. But not the case. :(


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
@Bruce, thank you for the wonderful thought.
I have found good homes for the animals and the people are willing to wait until Doreen is not around to witness them leaving. The goats are all going together to a home that has 13 DN already. The ducks are going to a home with cows, chickens, rabbits, and another breed of duck. The chickens are going to a home where there are more chickens. Some of my materials are already spoken for as well.
So I did have to rescue one of the ducks today. Got itself wedged between a pallet and one of the shelters. I figured they all would run like crazy once they were all back together, but they did not and I was able to get a close up shot of them. They also found the blue "pool" this morning, so maybe they will start using it before they go. They will have two ponds to enjoy in their new home.
I will spend as much time as possible with all the animals before they leave.

I contacted an old landlord via phone. I should know within a few days if he has a place big enough that is or will be becoming available.

On a great note: My brother went to the doctor's today and they got all the skin cancer! So he is in what they call remission. Praying for the best and it doesn't return.

Off to clean house and do laundry.