Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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as of today at 4pm, no babies. However just received a call from daughter saying discharge is different. So going out now to check them. Will post when I return.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
So a totally off the wall surprise :ep delivery from Cassie, who according to my records and her ligs, should not have delivered yet! It was a mad house for a while :barnie.

To start with, I decided to come home for the day and get some sleep in my bed. My goats are housed at my friends property. I have been there for 4 days & nights, coming home long enough to tend to my mother-n-law. Anyway, with Haze and Annabelle not showing any sign of preceeding with labor and delivery, I needed a break. :lol:

I get home about 11am. Get mother-in-law taken care of and just sit down to talk with other half. Phone rings. Daughter says Amy just called you need to get back out there. Cassie has a blood sac hanging from her. I said, "Cassie!?" She says yes and makes arrangement to come pick me up, not even three seconds later phone rings again, daughter says Amy called again, "dogs attacking Cassie.":th:barnie:confused:o_O. Brother in law immediately drives me over, daughter pulls in right before me.

Inside barn: Annabelle & Haze in kidding pen, no kids & no labor. Amy in corner holding babies wrapped in towel. Cassie in other corner bleeding from left ear, tip is gone. She is visible shaken and after birth starting to expel. My poor baby girl :(:hit. I tell Amy to put babies down and unwrap them, tell her she only needed to quickly dry them. Encourage Cassie to join babies in corner. She refuses.:th:eek:. Thinking oh great here we go.

We get Haze & Annabelle out of kidding pen. Put Cassie & babies in, she still refuses them. After about fifteen minutes of reassuring Cassie & some warm water, she finally starts to clean them and shortly after they suckle. Her ear was still bleeding a bit, but everything else was ok.

Mean while, Yukon & Tahoe have been "playfully" chasing the others. Not good I am thinking. So with commands of leave it, Not acceptable and it's mine I continue to supervise them. I now have Cassie, her twins doelings and the two pregnant ones shut up in one barn. Out in the pasture I have 6 more goats and two sheep. These guys need shelter and until I can speak with some one with a whole lot better knowledge then myself they need to be away from the dogs.

So I begin to enclose the third side of the other barn with materials on hand, because I am by myself now and I have no vehicle. Just after dark I have the goats & sheep in the other barn with hay & water. The dogs have a small (for their size) extra house they can get into.

Now I go in and check on the little ones again. One is doing very well they other is having trouble with operating her back legs. They feel cold and stiff. So I wrap her in a towel and take her to the house. We spend about 1/2 hour in front of a heater and she is ready to go. Rewrap her in warm towel and back to the barn and Momma. My daughter is back by then and we just hang out and watch for a bit. Finally all are settled and I come back to my house.

When I go out today, I will let the other's out of the barn and see how the dogs are today with them. Hopefully all is well again after so much excitement.

Now I am guessing (from the pointed out location of one baby) that Cassie had the first baby near the dogs food dishes, they gave a warning and because she had her kid she didn't leave the area. At some point they managed to get her away and she had the other baby in the barn. She must have then went back out to the first baby and that is when the dogs got her ears. Amy said she found one baby by the dog barn and the other in the corner of the goat barn and Yukon had Cassie by the ear and Tahoe was chasing them.

So my concern is now that the dogs have bitten one of the goats are they safe around them or are they now going to be no good for working dogs with goats???? @Southern by choice

Some pictures. Hope for better ones soon. We have Bambi & Flower both weighed in at 4lbs each.
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Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Oh my goodness! What an ordeal - glad things turn out well in the end (except poor Cassie's ear).