Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
I have endured 2 foreclosures....1) a house that we were renting and the owner quit paying the note.....and 2) was on property that we were buying and lost due to my 1st heart attack and leg injury.....the procedures are stated in the title paperwork that is gotten during the closing. It is part of the contract with lender on the terms.....hope it all does get settled for ya....living in "limbo" is for the birds I tell ya.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@CntryBoy777 , I am just living one day at a time. Taking care of what I can and praying others are doing what they need to do.
@Latestarter , right now I pen the kids at night with their feed & hay. If I wait until they are done then I have four kids trying to follow me out of the gate and Nutmeg usually gets through the electric fence and one of the other's gets zap. Then I have to try to get Nutmeg back in without getting zapped myself. It turns quite chaotic. I have to figure out something different for my gate. I am hoping I can get a tube gate at the first of the month. I am thinking something like this. 510LRTiTAzL.jpg In the am I feed the older does first, run to put the kids food in their dish and then scoot out the gate. That way the kids can spend the day in the large pasture to browse. When the older does are done with theirs they run to where the kids are eating and push them out of the dish. Like I said I have to figure out something different. Oh, an idea just hit me...the lawn may have to wait...I will let you know if my idea comes to successful fruition.
I got to spend a little time with the he animals this morning. Took some pictures of the ducklings & chicks. Looks like the ducklings have developed pinfeathers on their tails. They are feeling more comfortable and don't take off running for the coop every time I walk past the run. One little cutie decided he/she had to sit for a spell.
IMG_20180621_085457.jpg IMG_20180621_182609 (2).jpg

I raked up all the dry grass from the area I called the "hay field" and gave it some to the goats tonight and stored the rest for another time.
I fixed the chute on the push mower, at least a temporary fix. Tomorrow I need to do some repairs on some leaks within the pool house. Thinking it shouldn't take much. Then I will most likely start the mowing of the yard again.
Unfortunately one of the cats came up missing. I asked Charlie the other day about her. I had been home a week Tuesday and hadn't seen her. Poor Ellie.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Sure glad your brother and SIL are on the deed and I hope they can get that loan. And hard hearted as it may sound, if the current POA has been embezzling from Doreen, she should pay the price, family or not. To court she goes.

Re your pool. I'm having similar difficulties and wonder if it is all the dang pollen. I can see the bottom but it is like looking through a very dirty window. If I vacuum it gets MORE cloudy and I can't see anything so yesterday morning I backwashed the filter then vacuumed to waste (HATE to dump that much water!). Later in the afternoon it was still cloudy so I turned the pump off overnight hoping it would all settle to the bottom and I can vacuum to waste :he again today and it will be clear. Still looks cloudy this morning though it is harder to tell just looking under the solar cover but I'm going to vacuum to waste anyway. Will see what they say at the pool store tomorrow.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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So @Bruce, I so agree on current POA, but I personally can not do anything and she should be referred to POS for doing it to begin with.

So you all can cal me crazy if you want ( I am in so may ways:D =D) but I am trading even up my Nupine/Alpine mix goats for Dwarf Nigerians..well almost even up. I am trading buck for buck, both young and not proven, 2 adult does 2yrs and two kid does 13 weeks for 3 Dwarf Nigerian does that are 1.5 years and have kidded once. I will most likely let the Nubian/Alpine wether go as well just to keep them all together(if they want him). Those are all coming from one place.
Then I still have the wether & doe to get from SIL co-worker. So I will still have 6 goats. I really love the Nigerian breed and is what I wanted to get back into, but couldn't find any close enough to purchase back when I got these other little ones. I sincerely hope no one on here thinks badly of me for making this trade. I will miss these goats and they will always hold a place in my heart. I find them a bit more difficult to maintain and it feels like I am learning all over again. The Nigerians I know pretty well and feel they don't require as much to maintain a healthy weight and appearance.
I will introduce you to them all once they all get here.
Here are some pictures I received though.
Buck 14 months.jpg Doe 1.jpg Doe 2.jpg Doe 3.jpg Third looks like a DN/Pygmy mix to me. The buck is on the small side, but his dam & sire were bred for smaller babies. They all have horns, but I can and have in the past dealt with that and Ginger & Sage have horns as well. Any babies born here will be disbudded.
Took a few more pics of ducklings & Chicks this morning.
IMG_20180622_100048.jpg IMG_20180622_100212.jpg IMG_20180622_100242.jpg IMG_20180622_100403.jpg IMG_20180622_100414.jpg
Now off to get some more work done around here.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
You are crazy! :D

Well, I actually don't know much of anything about goats so I don't know if the trade is a good thing or not. But I'll trust that you know enough about goats to have made a good decision.

OK, vacuumed to waste, water down below the frame of the skimmer :he. Hose now working overtime. Still cloudy. But I had another thought. I have some skimmer basket "socks" that I got a couple of years ago to see if that would keep some of the :barnie pine needles from clogging up the pump basket. Yes but ... the socks got full of finer gunk and had to be cleaned a lot so I stopped using them. BUT they might do a good job of trapping pollen.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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@Bruce , I have never even heard of or seen basket skimmer socks? but then again this is only my second year of dealing with a pool. With last year being a total disaster as I wasn't here most of the summer.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
It is just a fine weave cloth that fits in the basket and stretches over the top. Actually, these are about 50% bigger than the depth of the basket.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Working an estate sale this weekend. So nothing but feeding chores until Monday. This is the first sale of this season and today was my first day back to this type of work. Was up at 3:30 am, out the door by 4:30 am, at work site & working by 5 am, got done at 5 pm back home by 5:30. Feeding chores done by 6:30 and dinner done by 7 pm. Planning on being in bed by 9 pm for work tomorrow and up at 5:30 am.