Herd Master
How awful! I’m so sorry that happened. The only things I can think of are nightshades, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes. You might want to go down the list of what is in your garden that may be toxic to goats, so you’ll know.
Hang in there. Not easy, but learning. There's always something, you're doing your best. (tomatoes are nightshades and eggplants too).The trouble is my dad was/is a keen gardener, so we have a lot of different trees and shrubs, and I can think of a fair few that it would be better they didn't eat; the odd thing is they have never had as much as indigestion before.
No tomatoes, maybe a nightshade somewhere, but they get the odd ones of those in the paddocks too, and always leave them be
There was a sack of sheep food uncovered, but they didn't eat very much of it and are quite used to a bit of hard feed, so I think it is unlikely that that was the cause.
The wether that died had kind of a 'locked' jaw, rather hard to open, and also wasn't very bloated when he first went down, so it was definitely more then just indigestion, I think.
I just can't seem to do things right for goats in the moment.... one of the angora bucks is looking a bit under the weather as well, I don't know whats up with him. (he didn't get out) I wormed him, so maybe that will help.
At least the sheep, chickens, cats and dogs are all looking good in the moment.
Thank you : )Hang in there. Not easy, but learning. There's always something, you're doing your best. (tomatoes are nightshades and eggplants too).
A bit of a mix, the ones that all look the same with either a black or grey hackles and tails are Light and Coronation Sussex. Then there are a few Orpington Xs and one black Copper Marans on the front right.Pretty chickens, what breeds?