Ridin' The Range
I just found a Craigslist posting from a woman who has a rabbitry, but she's recovering from surgery and can't take care of them until she's recovered.
Every rabbit - $4.00 each. She has all ages, and is only keeping a minimum of breeding stock to start back up with later.

I'm going to check it out! I don't need any more breeding stock, but if she has some nice juveniles I might get some good dinner!
Anyone else in central Colorado? I'm going now, I'll report back if she has good healthy rabbits left after I'm gone, if anyone wants me to.
Every rabbit - $4.00 each. She has all ages, and is only keeping a minimum of breeding stock to start back up with later.
I'm going to check it out! I don't need any more breeding stock, but if she has some nice juveniles I might get some good dinner!
Anyone else in central Colorado? I'm going now, I'll report back if she has good healthy rabbits left after I'm gone, if anyone wants me to.