Hi folks
I'm not sure if it was on this forum or another, but I remember reading about placing goldfish in the stock tank to keep down algae. Has anyone here tried this? What about the goldfish poo?
In our area we keep goldfish in the tanks not so much for algae, but to keep the mosquito larvae down. I don't think the poo is much of an issue as long as you don't have too many fish in the tank... We have float valves on our tanks, but occasionally, especially in summer, we toss a hose in there and let 'em run just to flush the tank out somewhat.
Yeah, I believe it's more for the mosquito larvae than algae as frustratedearthmother said. You wouldn't want too many or their poo would become a definite issue.
We keep a couple goldfish in each of the water troughs. They keep down the mosquitos larvae, keep the algae down and have even had some of them reproduce and had lots and lots of little ones. The Blue Heron's will come fishing and can wipe them out... sometimes have some plants in them, couple of water lilies, but cows will eat at them some... leaves and such fall in off trees, bugs.... we put a bout 4-6 small feeder goldfish in them and they will survive if there is enough water. We will get real cold sometimes, and it doesn't hurt to freeze over the top... although we usually have to chop holes for the cattle to drink anyway.... we seldom feed them. We have taken them out when the springs have run low, to save them, but other than that, they are just there to do a job and that's it. Most disappear and I figure it is the herons, or some other predator....all our troughs have water that runs through them, or on automatic floats that fill them up, so they are not stagnant water.