I over did it!
That's kind of a good thing!
I will be raking all day tomorrow, but the ground was dry enough, I was able to do part of the field we usually can't get to til later and the hay ends up, just so-so! It's gonna be much nicer this year!
Good morning! I'm dilly dallying a bit before I put on my grungy clothes and go pull bracken fern again. We have a friend coming this evening to brush hog for us and I'd prefer he not run over all the bracken fern! The cows are all happily eating hay right now anyway as our grass is waaaaayyyy dormant. We'll try watering (we're not supposed to, shhhh) a bit to see if we get any response.
Hey, thewife, my extra chicks are about ready for new homes, I think! They're five weeks old tomorrow. From what I can tell I have five boys so that means a couple extra pullets (plus five extra boys). Still interested in swapping my hen(s) for a same-age rooster of yours?
Got some laundry started, did some dishes, gotta go turn on the sprinkler and feed the masses!
Then I can start my day driving around in circles, as soon as the dew dries!
wynedot, if he puts the rake on baby Kubota, he's raking! That thing beats me up on flat concrete! He did mention I might be raking with dads tractor, Friday? Not sure which is worse!
Amy, I will have to let you know on the trading, I still haven't figured out what those 3 are! I am still interested in a couple of new hens though!
Hello! I don't knnow if mom said anything yet, but I'm back in the hosptial. I' m going to have an MRI tomarrow at 12:00 or 12:15. I've heard both times twice.
hi miss kutes are you still having those bad migrains.i was hoping that you was over them.hope miss peanut dont miss you to bad this time.hope you get to feeling better soon.