Exploring the pasture
Today I went and picked up Sugars brother. Since Grits got sick and passed, she was pitiful! Some friends said she'd been fine by herself but I knew better.
He is seperate since I read about how early they can breed and boy I hope that didn't happen before I got her since they are a little over 3 months old.
My book I order still hasn't gotten here??
I've read about castrating long before I got Grits. We've seen some pygmys at work that had UC and got put to sleep:-( The farm vet says not to castrate him until he's 5-6 months old but I read wethered ones can get it too.
So what do ya'll think I should do? Do him now or wait? I really hate to keep them seperate that long.
Non of the feed stores here have ammonium chloride which I read to use on feed.
The dogs tore up my empty bag from the feed but I looked it up. Says the calcium phosorous(sp?) is....
Ca min .80% max 1.30%
Pho .60%
Well if Ca is the min of .80 then that's not a 2:1 ratio.
This guy has also not been vaccinated. Should I go ahead and vaccinate him tomorrow or will the stress of moving be bad for vaccination?
He is seperate since I read about how early they can breed and boy I hope that didn't happen before I got her since they are a little over 3 months old.
My book I order still hasn't gotten here??
I've read about castrating long before I got Grits. We've seen some pygmys at work that had UC and got put to sleep:-( The farm vet says not to castrate him until he's 5-6 months old but I read wethered ones can get it too.
So what do ya'll think I should do? Do him now or wait? I really hate to keep them seperate that long.
Non of the feed stores here have ammonium chloride which I read to use on feed.
The dogs tore up my empty bag from the feed but I looked it up. Says the calcium phosorous(sp?) is....
Ca min .80% max 1.30%
Pho .60%
Well if Ca is the min of .80 then that's not a 2:1 ratio.
This guy has also not been vaccinated. Should I go ahead and vaccinate him tomorrow or will the stress of moving be bad for vaccination?