Herd Master
I'd build a pig pen on her side, minus the set back. Actually, the set back is for BUILDINGS. it says nothing about animals in the set back. So.....(if allowed) build the shelter for the pigs consistent with the set back, and their pen right up to the fence.
If pigs are not allowed, then get guineas and geese. Put their coop as per allowed on the set back and run them right up to the fence.
I really can't stand people like that.
Do not respond to any more texts. She may be fishing for something in print to hang you with. If she texts again, respond with an invitation for her to join you for coffee and cookies.
If pigs are not allowed, then get guineas and geese. Put their coop as per allowed on the set back and run them right up to the fence.
I really can't stand people like that.
Do not respond to any more texts. She may be fishing for something in print to hang you with. If she texts again, respond with an invitation for her to join you for coffee and cookies.