Grandkids want a horse or pony


Exploring the pasture
Aug 24, 2009
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I noticed that you have dairy goats and horses. I have another question for you, have you ever run your goats and horses together in the same pen? I'm concerned that a horse could hurt the goats. I've seen someone a few miles from me that runs some Boer goats in with several of his horses. Anyway I would also like to add where as I don't know a lot about horses I did have one as a child until I was about 15 years old. It was a very good experience for me. The only problem is I was never allowed to take care of her. I never even got to put her saddle on by myself. My mother was extremely protective of us and I never got that experience. My grandkids the older ones anyway already help with cleaning out the barn everyday from the goats and the chickens. Also they help with bottle feeding the baby goats when needed. I feel this would be another good experience for them. We have also looked for someplace for them to take riding lessons but the closest is over an hour and a half away and with gas at 4 a gallon it's a little far to go. I feel I have enough experience from when I was a child to give them the general idea until we can find someone that is closer to us to help. I'm only asking because I want to hear from more experienced people. Thanks


Loving the herd life
Aug 31, 2011
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Griswold, CT
My answer about your situation is still the same from when you discussed this in the goat forum

On our farm, we are very careful to maintain the horses and goats separated. Our goats are disbudded, but I have different fencing standards for each group and have no interest in risking injury to either the goats or horses by allowing them to run together in the same paddocks.

I grew up just outside of Birmingham and my parents still live there. There are a lot of places that have horses for riding lessons. Look for boarding stables and you will find instructors that will give lessons.

bluewater rangerbreds

Exploring the pasture
Mar 31, 2012
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Well I'm going to side with Sawfish on the first comments, You might be better off starting the grand kids out with riding lessons at a local stable before rushing into the purchase of a horse. Ocassionally it turns out that the kids "THINK" they want a horse and then once they get one they find something else to be interested in, or they realize that they are scared of riding the horse or something else pops up.

However I'm going to have to disagree on the second comment about keeping horses and goats away from each other. Horses are social creatures and if you only have the one they will miss the companionship. Goats have long been used as "companions" for horses alone.


Exploring the pasture
Aug 24, 2009
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I was wondering about that but I heard about the horses possibly kicking the goats and killing them so were planning on keeping them separate. They will be in the pasture right next to the goats. As far as rushing into something this is something we've been talking about for 3 1/2 years. The kids are hardly strangers to livestock. They help me everyday with the farm chores. We've been working on clearing the land for horses and told the kids that a horse would have to wait until we had more land. As far as riding lessons go I have called several places and the closest I have found or would even consider is an hour and a half away. I'm not originally from here. The mindset of most of these people around here are not what I would consider a safe place to take my grandkids, since most of them don't take care of their own animals. I wouldn't truss them to keep them safe. They let their dogs run around lose and their yards look like junkyards. That's Alabama the Beautiful for ya! Don't get me wrong I love it here but I've been to alot of farms here and it makes me sick to see the treatment of these animals around here. Another whole story! Thanks


Overrun with beasties
Feb 20, 2012
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Cleburne, Tx
It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and with your childhood training and the work routine the kids already have around the animals i think you'd be fine to look for an older, gentle mid-sized horse for the kdis.

as far as keeping the horses and goats together. we do. BUT it DEPENDS on the horse. The worst problem we've had with the old mares is trying to steal the newborn kids from the does ... The youngesters can tend to want to play so we keep the kids away from them until they're at least half grown. My stallion will fiercely defend his food if they try to get in his bowl, but otherwise, he's fine with them.


Loving the herd life
Aug 31, 2011
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Griswold, CT
bluewater rangerbreds said:
However I'm going to have to disagree on the second comment about keeping horses and goats away from each other. Horses are social creatures and if you only have the one they will miss the companionship. Goats have long been used as "companions" for horses alone.
I'm not against horses and goats as companions. My primary concern is the OP's goats have horns. Goats and horses in a relatively confined space are at a higher risk of injury when the goat has horns.


Chillin' with the herd
Oct 9, 2011
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Sugarloaf Mt. Clermont,Florida
Hello Pepper,
I would sign up for riding lessons for you and the grandkids and riding helmets for everyone everytime. This way you won't end up with a horse that just does not fit. I would have the lessons include: riding, ground care of horse, cleaning and mucking of stalls, general horse husbandry.(cost priceless) This will let you know if it is a phase of wanting a horse. Find a 4-H or FFA horse group to join. This will help you find a lease or a good child's horse.



Exploring the pasture
Aug 24, 2009
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I've been trying to get my grandkids evolved in 4H for 3 years now but gave up. Don't have much available in our County. We have dairy goats and the kids wanted to do something in 4H with them. They might have something for horses I'll have to try again. But everytime I call the local office I never get a call back. The one time I got to talk to someone there she couldn't even tell me what office we were out of, said she would find out and call back. Never did. Anyway what is the FFA I know I sound stupid but it's been a while since I've been around horses, most of my adult life anyway. What you said about the lessons is exactly what I've been looking for and haven't found yet. I sent my older granddaughter to lessons in IL several years ago and that is exactly what they taught her there. But I'll keep looking. Someone should be able to help us. Thanks


Loving the herd life
Aug 17, 2009
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Too bad you aren't a little more experienced. I have a great project pony that would be fantastic for kids that age, he's solid, sound, smart and sensible and right on 14 hh. He's adorable but only 4 years old and much too green for a green owner and children. He needs to go to a horse experienced home to be finished with his training... and he'd be great at just about any discipline.

Anyway, I do put my horses and goats together at times, but only my older horses. Those two are so sweet natured and calm they wouldn't hurt my goats, certainly not intentionally and I think they are sensible enough to not step on them by accident! Plus, the goats know to keep their distance from the horses. I can't pasture my two young equines with the goats as they will chase them and just be mischievous! They've never tried to hurt the goats, but they are just too silly and playful that I'm not willing to take the chance at my goaties getting pounced on by a silly pony!


Exploring the pasture
Apr 18, 2012
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landis1659 said:
Hi everyone my grandkids have been asking for a horse for several years now. We have chickens and dairy goats but I've never owned a horse. First the kids are 3, 8 & 10, what to get a pony or horse? I ordered and DVD on horse lameness and I've heard a little about what to feed but what do I need to watch out for when getting one? temperment, feet, knees, teeth are there any good sites that have pictures of what to watch out for? Then what to do when we get her home, signs of Illiness? I give my goats shots but can you do this with a 800lb animal? I probably need to get a ferrier because I don't think I'll be able to cut their hooves like I do the goat either. What's better, a girl or boy. I've heard that pony's bite more than horses is this true? What's the best size for the 8 & 10 year old and to be able to keep riding for while? Any good books out there I should read? Anything else you would like to add please do, need all the help I can get.
Thanks Pepper
Start by taking them riding to a stable to get lessons for all of you. Who's going to muck the stall every day? YOU. Don't buy one from a backyard. Get it from a reputable stable. That does not mean it has to be a fancy expensive horse. But you need to buy one from someone who cares about their reputation-not just a sale. There have been so many desperate people the last few years they will say anything to get rid of their horse. I agree most with sawfish. I have 2 great backyard horses and have had horses for 35 years. I would not put my 4 year old grandson on alone because anything can happen. He rides with me . I am a good backyard rider.There's time enough for him to ride. But they are MY horses. My kids started in 4H when they were little and they stress safety.

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