Great article on bunny meds


Ridin' The Range
Dec 17, 2010
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chinbunny1 said:
it was a good article. the only thing I disagree with is the part about enteritis. What he said/recommended doing doesn't always work, and it depends on what you are dealing with. Right now some rabbitries are going through epizootic enteritis, a european disease thats believed to be hitting the us. He seems to be one that refuses to recognize this disease, despite what people tell him about it. My rabbits went through it a couple of years ago. I lost many to it. None of the methods he suggested work, at the time he actually chalked the problem up to being the weather. Other then that, the rest of the info he provided on diseases was great.

Tex thomas recently lost a bunch of rabbits to the same disease. thankfully, we have breeders like him that got to bottom of the problem. Because I had thought it wasfeed when it hit mine. Basically the rabbit dies from bloat, and it jumps all over the barn like a contact disease. The only thing that is effective towards it are gut mobility drugs, and stemmy alfalfa hay. The bacteria tends to react to certain brands of feed.

Info on it.

Might be something worth saving in case you ever experience it. One thing my rabbits did not have was the extended stomache. some get it, some don't. Everything else fits though.
Are you talking about injectable gut motility meds or something else?

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