I dibudded Penny today. She was my first. It wasn't that bad really. I already had my materials ready so it took me just a few minutes. If I have had doodled around I probably would have chickened out.
Speaking of chickens, we had 6 Buff Orpingtons hatch yesterday and one more pipping today.
Also, Bunny is getting close. Her udder is full but not strutted. She's been baby talking today and her ligaments are gone. Her tail looks like you could lift it right off her body.
Bunny kidded around daybreak this morning to 2 doelings! Absolutely perfect textbook kidding.
First born has a tan/grayish-roan cape and second is mostly white except for a bit of the grayish-roan on the back of her neck. Both were born sucking and were up and nursing within 20 minutes. I'm SO glad these are doing well after our drama with DM's kids and White Muscle Disease. I gave Bunny 2 doses of selenium-E gel before kidding. Would you give another now?
If you're a fan of us on facebook, I've uploaded a couple of pictures from this morning. I had to go into work, so they are not that great, but they are there.
Penny's disbudding looks good this morning when I checked her. She is walking around fine and only falls now when she tries to goof off too much.
I also checked Penny's teat structure this morning and she's 1x1. Yay! DM and Bunny hav 2 funtional teats and 2 smaller non-functional teats. I'll check Bunny's doeling's teats later.
Bunnys kids are also 1x1. I can only retain one of the girls so two will be available when I make my decision. Also, I will get updated pictures Saturday weather permitting.