She's two now, and this would have been her first freshening. She was in milk somehow last year when I got her, probably just her hormones being confused by all of the other does in milk around her. Doesn't look like I'm going to get that lucky this year. She's my only mature doe.
That has to be a huge let down... But there IS a silver lining to this cloud you know... It just so happens that we're right square in the middle of kidding season for most everyone, so there should be baby goats available for purchase. It won't be the same as your girl delivering one for you, but it is possible to satisfy that "kid fix" you're looking for.
Seems like most people are always wanting to hold their does in milk real close, but I'm hoping I might come across one this year. I got into goats for the milk. Or at least that's what I told my parents. It was mostly for their cute little faces. But the milk too.
So, I got a call out of the blue today. The breeder I bought Rosie from and who bred her with his buck last fall had heard that she never kidded this year. He offered to come pick her up tomorrow evening and keep her for a couple weeks. I didn't think she'd come back into heat this year, but he thinks that this lingering cold weather and the presence of a buck will bring her back around. If this works, we'll have kids in October. Fingers crossed. (Although I simply don't know what I'm going to do without my girl for weeks! )
I might have just committed to purchasing the prettiest nubian buckling I've ever seen! He'll be coming home in about three or four weeks. I am hoping to visit him again this weekend and snap a picture.