GW & SBC's kidding thread: 2019

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Charlotte Kidded! :yesss:

Buck and Doe.
These are first generation (F-1) minis. We needed another line to continue the program so we bred Kiegh to Charlotte and Prynne. I needed a buck so GW advised to breed two does (similar genetics) just so we had a better chance of a buck! YAY!
We are retaining both, this will give me a bit more genetic diversity but still have more of a line breeding on the lamancha side.
We are thinking of co-raising. They have nursed and also have had a bottle. I don't have a good place for Charlotte to have her kids on her full time. Here they are at birth!

Doe-born 2nd
Charlotte Kiegh Mini Mancha kids  (1).JPG

Charlotte Kiegh Mini Mancha kids  (4).JPG

Buck- He came out looking for a teat! :D
Charlotte Kiegh Mini Mancha kids  (2).JPG

:love:love:love I love him.
Charlotte Kiegh Mini Mancha kids  (3).JPG


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
congrats on new cuties. baby girl doesn't look all that thrilled to be here all wrapped up in that towel. love that buckskinish color.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I always enjoy the pictures of your cuter than cute goats. No wonder you love them so much!


True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
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3 very pregnant Nigerian all wanting the same spot at the feeder! It didn't matter there was plenty of room on the other side and the other end, they all wanted THAT spot. Belly pushing each other. Ruth (right) is due April 3rd- look at how round and low she is. OH my! Clover is in the middle, she is due April 7th and Carolina Girl (left) was rebred and due June 2nd. Love seeing dam/daughter families.

:D =D:D =D:D =D
View attachment 59539

That is a great photograph. Wow, that's all a lot of goat :)

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
We had posted last week that our lovely doe, Charlotte, had kidded. Of course we love all our goats and kids but these kids are pretty special to us!
Over the years, our Miniature Lamancha Program was put on the "backburner" while we focused mainly on developing our Nigerian Dwarfs and Lamanchas herds.

We have several Mini Lamancha does and some lovely bucks, but our herd had quickly become closely related. We struggled to find exactly what we wanted for a Miniature Lamancha herdsire. Although there are some lovely animals out there, few fully test their goats and that was not in our best interest. We were faced with a decision- either sell out of the Miniature Lamanchas completely or continue within and just make our own new lines..... We chose the later. When the 2018/2019 breeding line up was being planned we decided the Miniature Lamanchas would be our main focus!
We sat down and assessed all our goats, and after lots of discussion we decided to use our Nigerian buck, Kiegh, over our Lamancha does, Charlotte Bronte & Hester Prynne. Charlotte is quickly becoming a favorite here, we loved her first freshening udder and she is one of our most correct Lamanchas in our herd. We feel she excels in feet and legs as well as a lovely, high, wide and firmly attached mammary system and we anticipate watching this doe continue to grow and mature! As a first freshener Charlotte has proven to be competitive in the show ring and was part of our first (2x) and second (1x) place dairy herd at the local ADGA shows here in NC (& VA). Charlotte's & Prynne's dam is Candlelight JRMY Mariah- another competitive, correct doe who, despite nearly losing her two years ago, is continuing to flourish and has exceeded our expectations! Charlotte's sire was Chance, who produced several lovely daughters while he was with us, including or RG doe, Tiffany who earned two legs toward her championship, and had several BUofB wins as a first freshener. Charlotte goes back to a long line of exceptional Lamanchas and we look forward to getting her out more in 2019 and she will also be appraised and on milk test this year as well. We will share more on Prynne after she freshens, also an incredible young doe with a beautiful mammary with one leg toward her championship.

Kiegh is the sire to these kids. We were very excited for the opportunity to bring this lovely buck to our Wings & Caprines herd. We feel he will compliment Charlotte & Prynne nicely. We used Kiegh heavily over many of our Nigerian Dwarf does in fall 2018. A few of those does have kidded and we are already thrilled with what we are seeing on his kids! Keigh's dam is SGCH CUATLILREDBARN Dust Bunny 4*M 90 VEEE who was 2nd/2nd udder in her age group at the 2018 ADGA NATIONAL show. Keigh's sire's dam is SGCH Old Mountain Farm Shy Elk 2*M 92 EEEE who was 1st Place 4 year old/1st udder at the 2017 ADGA NATIONAL show, and 1st Place /2nd Udder 5-6 year old/Reserve National Champion at the 2018 National Show.

We feel there is a lot of potential in these crosses and we are on pins and needles watching these kids grow and develop! We do not focus on ear type or generation. Our goal is to have functional, healthy, hardy and CORRECT Miniature Lamanchas. We are hoping these kids will put us one step closer to that goal!

We retained several from last years mini breedings so this is really exciting for us.
Charlotte Kiegh Mini Manchas resized (5).JPG

Charlotte Kiegh Mini Manchas resized (1).JPG

Charlotte Kiegh Mini Manchas resized (2).JPG

Charlotte Kiegh Mini Manchas resized (3).JPG

Love the doeling looking from behind :)
Charlotte Kiegh Mini Manchas resized (4).JPG

Capture.PNG Charlotte Kiegh breeding.PNG Capture.PNG Charlotte sire dam.PNG Capture.PNG  Kiegh pic.PNG Charlotte Udder 2F.JPG