Loving the herd life
Oh, that is just terrible!
I did not finish reading, but if your doe is not eating and staring off and stuff you might check her for ketosis. Ketosis can be deadly. You could start with some warm water with molasses or if you have propylene glycol.She did pass it. She is still not 100% though. Kinda staring into space and not all the way with it. I'm giving CMPK and will start redcell.
She is barley drinking and not eating pellets (feed). She is nibbling on hay.
The buckling is doing better but not near robust like all our other kids have been. He is eating the amount my newborn Nigerians eat.
It has been horrible. It poured for days. We didn't get a break. I'm trying to not let it stress me out too bad. I can't change the weather.
Deep breaths..... I am thankful to have dry barns and while we are dealing with so much mud, there ARE dry areas out in the fields that the goats can lounge around on.
I hope your calf thrives! This weather is tough. I got the entire kidding barn mucked and scraped and bedded down today. I'm sore now LOL Everything was so wet I had to keep throwing bedding down. The building was a mess! So glad to have that done. I have most of the kids on a lambar now and most the kids we are selling are sold and will be picked up over the next coming weeks.
It's getting late and I need to feed and milk and bottle feed then catch some zzz's.
I have more to update but need to go. We had a scare with one of our Nubian does last week but thankfully she is okay. I also have some really big news but not quite ready to post it
I am just sick about LS.I can't believe it.
It is great to hear she's doing better this morning. I have never heard of dyne. what do you use that for? If you have anywhere that has Manna Pro goat electrolyte near you I have found it just about everybody even when were me sick drink that and want moreShe did pass the placenta, our vet was out Sunday night but she didn't have to do anything with this doe.
Thank you! I have it all handled
I already have everything for ketosis. That isn't her issue though. She ate great this morning!Right now I think this was just a tough labor for her.
I prefer the PG over the the other drenches, but right now I don't feel she needs it as it isn't ketone issues.
I am working on getting her drinking better, she doesn't want molasses water
I hadn't thought about creamed corn- that is a good idea in a pinch! We use Dyne and like it a lot.
While Iwould agree on the quads and quintuplets with the exception of Dragonfly who does it with no trouble. I can't agree on the triplets because for me I consider them a blessing and I made a promise that when I get a triplet I sell that baby, and I buy a goat through Compassion International for a family somewhere in the world to bless them. Because I figured I've been blessed.isn't that the truth FEM. the rest of the world can keep their trips. quads and quints. give me a nice healthy set of twins.