Yes, DEFINETALY get a dog! We love our great pyrenees's, although I can't speak for the others. They patrol our 5 acres all night, stayed RIGHT beside a young ram who got his head stuck in wire. Simply, they are great!
As for sheep... I started off my small herd with barbado ewes and ram. Ram turned VERY agressive, so he is now a taxidermy mount (2 curls) in my living room! I then switched to Katahdin. Love the color mixes between the two, both are fairly friendly (will eat treats from hand, but only the Kat ram likes to be petted). Both have had simliar numbers of lambs. But, I think I like the bigger size of the Katahdins. Which is why I am looking to add some dorpers in the next few years. They seem to sell better, and for more in my area (Oklahoma).
From what I've read, overall the dorpers are "friendlier" as well.
As for sheep... I started off my small herd with barbado ewes and ram. Ram turned VERY agressive, so he is now a taxidermy mount (2 curls) in my living room! I then switched to Katahdin. Love the color mixes between the two, both are fairly friendly (will eat treats from hand, but only the Kat ram likes to be petted). Both have had simliar numbers of lambs. But, I think I like the bigger size of the Katahdins. Which is why I am looking to add some dorpers in the next few years. They seem to sell better, and for more in my area (Oklahoma).
From what I've read, overall the dorpers are "friendlier" as well.