Going to try and breed my youngest buck this weekend! I know he carries blue, I am trying to decide to breed him to one that carries blue as well or one that is blue. The one that carries blue shares no genes with him and the one that is blue shares roughly 1/2 the same genetic material. I am all about genetic diversity, but if I breed two that carry blue I only have 25% chance to get a blue. With the other doe (the blue) I will have a 50% chance!
I decided to breed the buck with the doe that carries blue, so we have a 25% chance of blue babies. I bred the Blue doe to our seasoned buck the same day. I have two does I am waiting to breed, I want to spread the births out a little bit.
My mom wants a "pet" rabbit, and I am looking at a couple lion head bucks that a guy not too far from us has. He bought some mealworms from me a while back and we got to talking about rabbits. Lionheads are a better size as far as pets are concerned. Her birthday is in one month.
Just because my curiosity got sparked, I googled lionhead x New Zealand, they are some funny looking rabbits kind of cute tho
Thanks! I'm actually buying a red doe in a week she isn't pedigreed like my other rabbits but in a few generations I will be able to have a pedigreed line from her. She is coming from a meat rabbit home so I didn't really expect her to be pedigreed. She is only 8 weeks so it'll be a while before she is bred.
In the meantime I will breed Keiko in a week or so and see if I can get a red baby from her . She is a maiden doe but I have high hopes she will be a great doe like her mother.
Phantom pregnancy? I have a doe pulling fur and putting it in the corner of the cage as if shes building a nest. I have never had a phantom pregnancy before. She last kindled end of January, so not too long ago. I went ahead and put a nest box in with her to relieve any stress but I know she has not been in with any males since December (when she was last bred). We also removed her babies from her cage at 7 weeks which we usually do, so I think it would be extremely unusual for her to have been bred by one of her kits.