Sally Sunshine
Loving the herd life
Yes I have no idea what I'm doingIt's kinda like being lost in the wilderness isn't it? lol
Sorry not sure which@Sally Sunshine @Turtle Rock Farm @DwayneNLiz Will one of you please add the appropriate links for her?
The air cells look pretty good, these are shipped eggs also. I had to help one yesterday it had pipped on the side & I gave it a small hole to breathe & let it be for over 24 hrs, it was early, but I ended up having to help it quite a bit, but it's out & good now. I have a cream legbar that has done the same thing, I'm giving it more time cuz it just pipped during the night.If your only on day 20 I'd say give them more time. I had Chocolate Orpingtons hatch last week on day 21 like clock work and the last 2 are just hatching today talk about nail biting. All these eggs are under 3 different hens.[all started at the same time] So patience is the key.
It takes sometime to see the chick moving in full eggs too have to candled and watched the egg in all directions. Hows the air cell look?