Herd Master
Need I say more?
This is BLUE!
My computer is broke... so this is very hard to do and can't do much
Above is one of my dogs (pups) The two pictured here are Anatolian /Pyrenees Cross. My avatar is the sire and dam. YES THEY WERE PLANNED! I have tolis, pyrs, and toli/pyrs. I like the well put together toli pyr myself.
They have great personality, great power and keen ability. They can be very good as a "farmdog" . WE use ours as Livestock guardians not farmdogs but they are suited for such. Not all pyrs roam but have the propensity to do so. Not sure what region you are in but that may play a part in what you need as well. No other dogs can deal with coyote, wolf, bears like a LGD breed.
Computer fritzing again ( borrowed laptop that is semi operable)... try more in a bit
Are you wanting to send Blue off to a new home?