Chillin' with the herd
I just paid $3.50 a square bale for alfalfa/orchard grass (mostly alfalfa), certified organic, plus 10 cents a bale delivered. Alfalfa is pretty common here in MI.
Hay is good really forever as long as it stays dry it loses all the nutrients after 3-4 yrs but we had gotten out of animals for 3 years and then got some and they the hay we had made 3 yrs back ate it just needed some extra grainBriteChicken said:N Alabama and yesterday I had to pay 12.50 for a 60# square bale of Alfalfa for one rabbit! One darn Rabbit! Timothy doesn't grow within driving distance I was told and plus it's more expensive than Alfalfa. I have chickens too but they don't eat hay. Don't know how I'm gonna use it all before it goes bad... what's the life on a bale of hay? Sorry newbie when it comes to hay and can't believe I had to pay so much!