He is finally home!


Ridin' The Range
Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
North Alabama
I am a sucker for black and white animals! I use to have several black and white girls until the neighbors dog got them :( Now that I have him I think its time to find a few new ones


Ridin' The Range
Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
North Alabama
I had a nice long chat with the dogs owner and also with the sheffifs office. The SO said I could defend my livestock by whatever means and also sue the owners if the attack happened on my property. And it did but I felt it was only right to talk with the owners before I took the matter in my hands. I did they were very apologetic and said they would chain him up, I told them he would be shot next time I saw him. They agreed and said they would take care of him....This was almost a year ago, well he ahs been coming back over the last few weeks. Luckily for him he ran off as soon as he saw me. I put a hot wire around my fences and have had no problems since. I am hoping and praying he stays away. I hate to shoot someones pet! :(


Loving the herd life
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I love my dogs more than anything in the world, and anyone who knows me knows that is a fo sho! But I would not hesitate for a split second to shoot a dog who is trying to kill one of my goats. OR horses. Had a pair of dogs come down the drive one day, one a pit bull, the other a large mix. They went straight to my horses pen and started dogging him, like they knew what they were doing. I went ballistic, only weapon I could grab real fast was a shovel and I tried to smash their skulls in. Might sound sadistic but they were going after my horses legs. Husband was gone, and no cell phone with me. But I was screaming bloody murder, then 2 kids came down the drive, they were scared to death too. I am thinking they were riding bikes with the dogs and no leashes. The dogs came down a mile long drive though, like they had been here before. i told the kids in no uncertain terms they had better get those *&%$#$#% off my property and if I ever saw them come near my place again I would not hesitate to kill them. Of course, I would have to make sure I had my gun with me at all times. Never saw them again.

BUT just a while back, some one visiting at my place, brought their Rottweiler, and when they came inside, they tied her up to the side of their truck, saying she'd be fine for a few minutes. Well, a few minutes later, my grand son came running in yelling that the dog was in the pen with my Fullblood Boer Buck, trying to kill him! And she most certainly was! He was covered in blood, and he was scared to death. She had ripped his long ears in several places, grabbed his front leg and his back leg. I was beyond pissed. I DID talk to the Animal Control officer, and she said she would not put the dog down, because it did not kill the goat! I know for a fact, if I had found the dog on my property, where it wandered in on it's own, doing what it was doing, I can shoot to kill. I told the owners to get the dog off the property and she had better never ever show up again. Thing is, the buck pen is completely done in cattle panels, with the small holes. The dog is way too big to get through them. Have no idea how she got in the pen with the buck. Anyway, that's MY story on dogs and livestock.