He keeps breaking out


Ridin' The Range
Mar 2, 2011
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Goats are masters at escaping. Once they learn how to do it, they teach others too! I had a beautiful red boer goat doe who started going through the holes in the field fence when she was really little. It wasn't cattle fence, the holes were larger so the goats could back their horns back through if they stuck their heads out. Anyway, she started squeezing through those holes as a kid. she did it daily. As she grew, she kept on doing it until finally she was an adult. It was the most amazing thing to watch her work herself through those holes. It also annoyed the crap out of me! The final straw was when she had kids....and soon she had taught them to do it too. So I got rid of her and her kids. This was a paddock area where the goats were confined at night so I didn't want to put electric wire up. Electric wire is really the only cure for a goat that does not respect a fence.