Health department raids picnic on a farm.

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Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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greybeard said:
Virtually everything is "biodegradable"--- given enough time. ;)
Yea true.. but 25 years beats 2,500. That's like waiting for a superfund site to clean itself so you can consider it safe for a park. Well we, the residents are now paying liability insurance to turn our Superfund site into a park. I wonder what that total bill will be in the end. But I won't be around in 2,500 years to see it, but like I said I'm a Kill Joy and already proved it won't work. Oh well. Facts are facts, and must never look at facts. We're progressive. Yea right. Oh well, :/

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
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Dardanelle, Arkansas
Ms. Research said:
Queen Mum said:
McDonalds DOES have an excellant track record, however, for humane animal slaughter and generally keeps it's origin of growth, processing and production is within the country where the food is served. In other words, if the food is served in the US, the meat usually is produced in the US. If served in China, the meat is usually produced in China, etcetera.

I'm not saying that it is healthy food, but as for the production and care and processing of the animals, they are to be commended for their practices on that score.
Really...hmmm, OK if you say so. Totally respectfully disagree on that one. But to each his own.

BTW, this is the same company that tried to tell us that the quarter pounder with cheese styrofoam container was bio-degradable. Yep, its true. Styrofoam..biodegrable.
I wasn't using information from McDonalds sources. I was referring to information from several independent sources that monitor their animal production and slaughter. I don't give a whit about what McDonalds advertises. The fact is, their corporate guys had to be convinced that it was economically more beneficial to use humane practices and local production. But it was done. It continues to be monitored independently. But in the end, it give McDonalds good PR and so out of the [sarcasm] goodness of their corporate little hearts [/sarcasm] (thanks Greybeard) they have continued the practice for quite a number of years.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Sometimes these urban legends are just silly.

Lets thing about it. There have been rumours of horse meat, cow eyeballs, and earthworms being mixed in hamburger meat to cut cost. I remember a a rumor going around once that they fried their meat in liquifyied cow brains.

All of those ingredient cost more than ground beef, it RAISE costs. As would using some of the by-products that people like to worry about, such as bones and hooves. It put a lot of wear and tear on eqipment to grind up hooves and the like.

McDonalds does, however, use meat that was slaughtered within the country of origin (USA chains use USA meat etc). Again, this is cost effective, it costs a lot of money to ship and cool meat, pluse go thru inspection processes.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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redtailgal said:
Sometimes these urban legends are just silly.

Lets thing about it. There have been rumours of horse meat, cow eyeballs, and earthworms being mixed in hamburger meat to cut cost. I remember a a rumor going around once that they fried their meat in liquifyied cow brains.

All of those ingredient cost more than ground beef, it RAISE costs. As would using some of the by-products that people like to worry about, such as bones and hooves. It put a lot of wear and tear on eqipment to grind up hooves and the like.

McDonalds does, however, use meat that was slaughtered within the country of origin (USA chains use USA meat etc). Again, this is cost effective, it costs a lot of money to ship and cool meat, pluse go thru inspection processes.
Sorry no rumor, but I'll stay out of it. I see the signs. No facts discussed here.

One more point before I leave, 2 BILLION of our tax dollars goes to McDonalds every year for corporate welfare to advertise OVERSEAS. Hmmmm...... :(


Chillin' with the herd
Nov 14, 2011
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Central New York
That article is just infuriating. Not only was that a waste of food, it was a waste of life, time, energy, money, etc, etc...I feel badly for the critters that were butchered to make a meal (lamb meatballs) only to have them dumped into the trash and have bleach poured on them. Did anyone see the footage? There were tubs and tubs of fresh produce. AND, the fact that they could neither compost this food nor give it to their pig is mind boggling. I can't imagine how helpless they felt.
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