Ridin' The Range
rabbits don't need heat but i keep heaters in my shed because i have english lops out there and also because i have all plastic bottles and ceramic dishes for water. also it's nice to breed year round if i want or need too. i have electric heaters run by an extention on a surge protector bar from my electric pole and also lights. it is nice to have them i keep one towards the bottom and one towards the top and it keeps it warm enough maybe 1 or 2 bottom waterers partly freeze now and then. i have a nice size herd so takes a bit to feed, water and clean cages and i don't like to freeze while i'm out there. i hated haveing to take 5 gal buckets of water bottles and dishes in and out to thaw and refill several times a day. now i just fill milk jugs and take them out pop off cages and refill right there and i can even leave jugs of water out there long as they r at least a foot off the floor sitting up on something. if it takes me a few hours to clean cages or i stay out to play with the babies most times i'm out there in a t-shirt for hours. so very nice i don't have to freeze or be quick w/ stuff i can play or get work done.
the lighting helps to keep the longer daylight hours also if i want to help increase breeding. i can go out anytime to breed day or night which is nice. even when i didn't have them babies r fine, long as moms know what they r doing. those little buggers r hot in those nests!! i have better litters and more fertility in colder mths than i do in warmer mths. my only fear is fires especially in the fans, a/c or heaters from the fur more so when they all r molting because u constantly have to be cleaning fur off of them. for ventalation my top wall on one side has screen openings always open up under the roof, i have a door and window to open when needed also. my only complaint is the spiders i hate them and can't figure out how to keep them out. :/
the lighting helps to keep the longer daylight hours also if i want to help increase breeding. i can go out anytime to breed day or night which is nice. even when i didn't have them babies r fine, long as moms know what they r doing. those little buggers r hot in those nests!! i have better litters and more fertility in colder mths than i do in warmer mths. my only fear is fires especially in the fans, a/c or heaters from the fur more so when they all r molting because u constantly have to be cleaning fur off of them. for ventalation my top wall on one side has screen openings always open up under the roof, i have a door and window to open when needed also. my only complaint is the spiders i hate them and can't figure out how to keep them out. :/