JACB Dorper
Overrun with beasties
Part 1 of 3
Heel low:You know, I don't remember getting old, but I have done jest that...but I am not old...fur a tree.
Pear-A-Dice - Pink skies and winter whites...GORGEOUS
'cause it don't get any better than this!
I am seven Cattle Dogz old, eh. Count 'em...SEVEN...four in heaven waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge and three to keep me occupied and tired (REtired...not ever!) in the best way possible!
Strya Foam, Fixins, HyBlade
So thus far, bin owned by SEVEN Australian Cattle Dogs...
Flown in from NSW...their first day here...
No mistaking what we were in for!
Girl pups with six days difference in age...
Bad to the bone and what we LOVE!
Bin on our patch of dirt since 1998...funny how you can count the passage of time by watching yer garden (trees) grow.
July 20, 2016
Pond and waterfall
Same area...
2006 - note the size of the two rowanberry trees on each side of the heart shaped waterfall...
came to us in the mail
I guess having fun and being excessively happy does that to a soul.
So first things first. I am a dog person...thru and thru. I do not profess to be anything close to a financially viable entity...I am a retired accountant that drives the cruel bus (I work to help pay for all the bird seed I waste). I retired at 40 and got to talking way too much to the critters here...so much so one day the neighbour stopped by and we were visiting over the fence and Rick walked by... I told him, "Hey, say "HI" to the neighbour," and he merely mumbled something about thought I was talking to myself again.
So I went back to work to add some $ to the kitty and thought the kids would be a great distraction. from farmy chores.
Dogs...dogs and chooks, had them mostly all my life. Was dogless for a short smidgen of time when I was going to college and taking university courses, but past that...probably wither and die without my Nemesis.
2013 - View of the Ram Pasture and New Orchard
My Hero and I live on five acres in the Great White North (that happens to be in the GREEN right now!). My spouse has made me thirty plus outbuildings...a sanctuary and sandbox where I may play to my heart's content. We look forward to all four seasons here...a change is as good as a rest...right?
My spouse names the buildings...so many we need to say where we are going...so we can come find each other to stop the insanity...time to quit...time to sleep...do it all again tamorrah!
This is the Sheep Dip Inn and the Screw Ewe Saloon in the background
Zero predation, fencing and putting things away safely are paramount here. Only lost ONE chook...on Earth Day 2007 when I personally left a geriatric yard hen out. Got tired of years of head counting to see all were safely inside...and that one old Dark Brahma hen decided to stay outside and was promptly eaten by one of our many welcomed resident owls. My bad, her life.
I love to show my creatures...pending biosecurity breaches of course.
Melody and I in 2003
My first sheep show (and last, never to do it again)...Showed Canada's first Grand Champion Jacob Ewe, first Grand Champion Jacob Ram, and first placing Jacob ram lamb. WOW I thought...what a way to begin and end on a high note.
My first sanctioned poultry show...Rosy took Reserve in Breed as the first Blue Fawn Call Duck in North America to do so. At that time, Blue Fawn was an unrecognized variety so was totally against the rules. Leave it to me and my creatures to encourage persons to act up...hee hee...and here I was wondering how my breeding of five years in the Calls was going...har har...pleasant surprise!
For Biosecure reasons, I no longer show sheep...or poultry but just started back up with show dogs again.
This be Emmy as a senior puppy female April 1st...and no fooling round...after like a dozen years from the dog show ring...I can still run silly around the ring and do her some justice--even against a pro handler! That's me gal--strutting her stuffin's! Next day my son showed Lacy as Best Opposite in the same class of four ACDs...so both our gals now have one major and two points of the ten required for their CKC Conformation Championships. Sweet!
I love to click pics and this is a photo above is of Makins (our first ACD) at six weeks of age (see, one ear up, one ear ready to follow suit) that won her $300 worth of dog food and the title of BEST DOG in a local city newspaper...but then, we knew that already...hee hee...ACDS are the bestest breed bar none!
We own a menagerie of creatures here... from our two pairs of Australian Black Swans (cob from Holland, cob from ON/AB cross and above, in quarantine in 2013...two pens imported up from the Southern States)...to Ruddy shelduck/goose (gucks or dooses...who knows eh!), to chickens, turkeys, pheasants, ducks, and geese.
American Geese - Buff Pied gander (never seen anyone else with the variety!) and Buff goose with goslings - goslings all Buff with one recessive for Pied Pattern.
Standard Partridge Chantecler hen
One of my ten plus years on the go now...bird projects is the creation of REAL BLOODED bantam Chanteclers... I am not an advocate of breeding young stocks...so hens and cocks...not pullets and cockerels which makes the breeding program a tad longer to employ...don't be having babies make babies eh. If it lives to that age to make more, by golly you already proved several necessary things...like longevity, fertility, production, disease resistance--simple fact you never KILLED them outright. And the best of all...you can judge the actual bird in hand...for what it is at the time...not guessing what they will be as adults...but I digress, eh.
Higgins' White Dove Bantam Chantecler
An accumulation from 3% retention rates...the best of the best to build forward on
I am OK with crossing colour varieties, but rarely cross breeds. I play with colour like finger paints...and to show I have NO FEAR...the gal above is pure white...white as the winter's snow. Brother Wilfrid who created Canada's only recognized breed of chicken crossed breeds to make the composite breed, the sing brightly Chantecler...so for those who dare, and keep at it, there is hope at the end of the ordeal...great hope!
One of the WIP bantam Chanteclers natural hatching a variety of chicks in winter
Advocate for natural...now don't misunderstand...I use my vet's advice and blast parasites with DRUGS and no qualms about antibiotics when told to use them...
but there is a side of me that knows a hen talking to her eggs and then raising her brood...just something BETTER about that whole kitten kabootle...
This is my Pear-A-Dice thread on BYC...hopefully I am not violating any BYHerder rooles by posting that link.
This one's on my adventures investigating what to do with the like 800+ pounds of Jacob fleeces I got stashed away...
So my husband enjoys restoration of old <junk> vehicles...I have always loved antiques (love HIM more & more everyday...) so it came natural for us to love the conservation and upgrading of motorized vehicles...we love TRUCKS....
The dog SUB bus...
Those into vintage trucks...my spouses Big Bolts...
Three of the SIX 1936 Chev Maple Leafs
Got two one ton 1928 Chevs too...gonna see my spouse restore those...one each and then RACE to town for ice cream...causing mayhem, getting noticed for being a road hazard by blocking traffic on the highways...flat out at fifty.
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