Hello from Indiana!!


Just born
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
We currently raise ABGA registered Boer goats on 38 acres in Central Indiana just Northwest of Anderson, IN.

I sold off our entire goat herd and we switched to registered animals because in our area they are way easier to sell, plus worth more so that's always a plus!

I grew up in Michigan on an 80 acre cattle farm and spent my summers baling hay and straw, helping with animals, etc and spent 14 years in 4H.

We are slowly growing the current farm we have, It has been passed down in my husbands family. My MIL currently owns the property and has totally neglected it. We are in the process of having the lower pasture which is about 8 acres baled for us this year so we don't have to pay for hay! We are splitting it 50/50 with the guy doing the baling. We spoke with him extensively and he explained to us how we need to go about reseeding to have a better quality hay next year. So after we are done pulling hay off this year we will be reworking the field. We have a 5-7 acre stocked pond that was a running gravel pit when my husbands grandfather was alive. All of the property is fenced in, so behind the pond we are going to be reseeding the entire thing and are hoping in a coupe years we will have an acre of hay there as well.

We have been working on cleaning up and rewiring barn as well as cleaning up the property to make it a functional farm again. Currently we have 3 goats the oldest is our Buck who is about 7 months old, the 2 girls we have are almost 4 months old so it will be next year before we have babies!

We are in a couple weeks getting 2 Jersey steers to raise up for beef. We are trading a guy 75 bales of hay which is all extra for 2 steers. I don't think that's a horrible deal and I so miss having cows!! So I am hoping after this we can dip our feet into cows. I don't care about registered cows or anything I'd do it more for the beef end of it rather than the show quality end.

Next year we will be adding chickens to the farm and putting in a LARGE garden, I think its silly to pay for food we can grow! We have 7 fruit trees currently, 3 cherry trees, 2 of them produce wonderfully, 2 apple and 2 pear trees. We also have Mulberry trees everywhere and I have a TON in the freezer right now waiting to be made into Jam!

Eventually after we inherit the farm we will be getting pigs, I showed pigs in 4H and who doesnt love bacon! Even though they are stinky the bacon outweighs the stink! LOL

I am glad I found the forum I have been looking for something for ages trying to come across something thats more than just 1 animal specific!

I was going to post a link to our farm page but the site is saying I could be a spammer and will not let me post until I remove it :(


Just born
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score

I am wondering we have about a 8-10 acre area around the pond that is fenced in, with several access spots to the pond. Would it be ok to just let the cows drink from the pond or do you think I need to haul water to them? I figure the pond is enough they will realize that its water...but Im not sure?