hello from Lake Whitney Texas....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Why do you want a longhorn? They only stay in a fence if they WANT to and their gymnastic ability in jumping a fence would put a deer to shame. I am from Texas too and I had a Longhorn bull because I always wanted one. THAT was a DUMB thing to do! :lol: There are other breeds of cattle that are a lot more tractable than longhorns. On small acreage, think small livestock. Crossfence and divide into several pastures and rotate the livestock in the pastures. Otherwise, they eat everything to the dirt (especially if we have one of our fun summer droughts) and then you buy a lot of feed and hay. If you want to get a feeder steer and raise him up to butcher, great idea. Get a Hereford or Angus cross. They can still be a handful, but would stand a better chance of not hopping the fence and winding up in the Sheriff Department's impound lot. Ask me how I know. :he

You might want to wait until you actually live there and get goats or sheep. Then of course you need a LGD and there is a very good forum here on them. Over the next 4 years you have a lot of time to study, learn and visit small farms near you to see how they handle their livestock.

Take this time to plant trees. Fruit trees and nut trees. Pecans. Yum! By the time they start to bear, you'll be living there! Oh! And berries too! Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries..... :drool Build your barn, fences, corrals and outbuildings. Build a chicken coop and a garden area. Study the predator and coop sections on BYC and learn from other's mistakes so 'coons don't rip into your coop and kill all your chickens. Go over to TEG and study other peoples gardens so you can make the most of your garden space. All these websites are full of information and really nice people that will be glad to help you.

Welcome to BYH, this is a great place to learn what you will need to know. Very friendly folks here and they are glad to help you any way they can. How wonderful that you have bought your land. Now you can take your time preparing for the day that you live there!


Chillin' with the herd
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Not going to get a Long Hornwent off the idea.
Fruit trees are already planted long time ago and working on more so already doing all that.:cool:
Not going to have sheep or goats either.almost became a sheep myself in New Zealand.:sick
I am definitely going to have 2 mini steers with one donkey next year spring think it will be fine on its own for 5 days a week as that is what I have learned so far on here.
I know now there are many kind of mini cows and I found a place where I can buy some cheap not registered once for my first try to raise my own beef.
When I live there I hope to be ready and learned enough to start with registered original ones.
Ps : I am a member of almost every forum I could find about farming and growing....:lol:....... btw: "we have the piece of land for almost 10 years".