Hello From Roberts Creek

Shaffer farms

Exploring the pasture
Jan 25, 2023
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Happy to have found this forum.

I have training in large predator human conflicts and would be happy to work with anyone having issues.
I work with bears, racoons, otters, cats of all sizes,
lots of great ways to avoid conflicts but sometimes its hard to see when you are in one.
feel free to reach out any time.
west coast wildlife conversations.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
I have training in large predator human conflicts and would be happy to work with anyone having issues.
I work with bears, racoons, otters, cats of all sizes,
We don't really have any human/predator conflicts around here, but my goats/ducks/chickens have had conflicts with bobcats. My LGD's have stopped those issues, but if a farm doesn't have guardian dogs do you have any suggestions to make an area more inhospitable for a predator cat?


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
We have had cougar occasionally move through. We have several resident big cats that are tagged in the area.

Our first LGDs used to bark all night circling the property for a week then would be calm the other 3 weeks for a month. Then the barkg would start all over again. During those few months neighbors ariund us were reporting cougar sightings and animal losses. We finally figured out that the cougar was hunting into our area every month and our LGD was warning everything in the neighborhod. After about 3 months of this once a month hysterica barking for a week, it stopped. I figured that the cougar had changed its territory patrol to avoid our place and the giant noisy dog warning all the game. My older son saw one up close as the dogs chased it up out of the gully about 35 feet from him one night. It took off across the field with several dogs after it. A high school friend of our boys was cutting brush in the field one summer and came in for soething cold to drink. We had told him about the bobcat we had seen the previous week. He said he had seen it and was surprised how big it was. When questioned he described a yellow cat with a long tail that stalked him through the high brush until he revved the weedwacker at it and it ran off. Obviously, another cougar. LOL The neighbor below us called in a panic one day to tell me that a cougar was walking below our front fence line. Since we had 2 Anatolians on guard it kept walking past us. We have them around, but we keep LGDs mainly because of the huge number of coyotes here.

We would love to hear stories from you about protections without LGDs for those members that can't keep any. Many people also have problems with loose dogs.