Little One
Chillin' with the herd
I am new to the Backyard Herds forum! I've been on BYC since Oct, same username. I am here because I really want to get a goat (for the milk) sometime in the next 1-2 yrs. My mother has been mentioning getting an alpaca or two in the same time frame, especially after visiting the local alpaca farm. We have 2 horses, 1 pony, 9 chickens, 2 dogs and 2 cats. I am currently living in Isle of Wight County, VA... But hopefully moving back to Maine in maybe two years. (So the new farm additions may have to wait until after we move.) I can't wait to ask lots of questions! Especially, what breed of goat should I get?? Our neighbor a few houses down has a large white goat that used to escape a lot and we would find her grazing out with our horses, so I have faith they could all get along in one field?