Hello from Washington!-Looking to Relocate to MT


Chillin' with the herd
May 29, 2018
Reaction score
Hi there,

My name is Jessica and I have been reading posts on backyardchickens and backyardherds for a long while now but haven't posted before. My husband and I have lived in Enumclaw, Washington our entire lives (27, 32) but are looking to move out-of-state to the Whitefish/Kalispell area of Montana around May of 2019. My husband works construction and I stay home tending to our animals and garden. We currently have 5 Nubian goats, lots of birds, and several Rex meat rabbits. Along with cats and dogs, of course. We are into gardening and "self-sufficiency" and hope to benefit from the cheaper cost of living/taxes in Montana while finding something more rural and private. 25+ homes are slated to go up right across the street from our property here...

I am posting in hopes of getting some information about Montana and herding/farming. Information about raising goats and sheep there, specifically. And to meet a few new contacts! I'd like the scoop on the best feed stores, veterinarians, etc. We are visiting June 14-16th next month to scope things out.

If I were to make a list of questions, they'd be:

- Is hay easy to find? (We have about 10-12 places to get feed in about a five-mile radius)
- What sheep breeds are prevalent? (I am thinking I want Icelandic)
- Are there any issues with soil quality?
- Is there much of a small-farm community in Flathead County?
- Are there any laws or ordinances that are prohibitive? (I know there is a per capita fee and a sheep-moving permit...)
- Is there anything like a livestock auction nearby? We live right down the street from the Sales Pavillion where, each Saturday, you can sell and buy poultry, rabbits, goats, sheep, cows, and more. It isn't the best venue to buy but is convenient for selling quickly.
- Are there a lot of goat or sheep breeders in the area?
- Any suggestions for our visit?

Thank you so much!


Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I'm not sure if we have many members in that area or not but I love your plans and goals. If there are any in that area I'm sure they will chime in.


Chillin' with the herd
May 29, 2018
Reaction score
I'm not sure if we have many members in that area or not but I love your plans and goals. If there are any in that area I'm sure they will chime in.
Thank you!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Greetings and welcome to BYH Jessica, from NE TX! So glad you joined us. As Mike stated, not sure about anyone in that specific area on here, but there's a wealth of info, knowledge and experience shared in the multitude of threads. Sounds like you have a year to search for answers. Browse around and see what interesting stuff you can find. By all means post away when the desire strikes you, especially if you have questions (provide as much detail/info as possible and pictures truly help)... With all the great folks here, generally someone will respond in no time at all. Please make yourself at home!

PLEASE put at least your general location in your profile. It could be very important if/when you ask for or offer help or advice. You know, climate issues and such. I recommend at least your state as most folks won't be able to figure out where if you put anything more specific (county, town, street, etc) by itself. Old folks like me will never remember & look there first. To add it, mouse hover over Account top right and a drop down will appear. Click on Personal Details and scan down. You'll see the spot for Location. Then go to the bottom and save changes. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the site!