Loving the herd life
This morning we came outside to bottle feed our 2 week old nigerian dwarf kids and while we were feeding our other kids one of our doeling snagged her head and ripped open her wound on her freshly disbudded head. She started gushing blood and we ran to our milking parlor and grabbed a paper towel to try and stop the bleeding but she still lost a LOT of blood. We put corn starch on it and it stopped. We also gave her some nutridrench and lots of milk. Her eye area is very swollen. and all of the cornstarch is just globbed and stuck in her head. She is in a playpen in the house with one of our calmer kids, should she be by herself? Anything else we should do? We really want her to get better fast and we are worried she will rip her scab open again or get it infected. HELP!
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