HELP!!! my girl might actually be a boy?!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
so my girl(boy) is named Betty.. I bought her as a twin (both girls) I also bought two bucks.. the Bucks had obviously huge testicles and the girls didn't so it was obvious the difference between the boys and girls right? but then this week we've noticed some really strange things and started putting some things together! Betty pees like the males.. (much like a dog, whereas her twin pees from her vagina right below her butt hole) her twin has teats and is on her first pregnancy.. Betty doesn't have teats and has never been pregnant (although lives with two males) also her twin has no horns.. Betty has only one horn.. and she has a goatee coming in it looks like.. we searched for her vagina and compared it to the known bucks-- look absolutely identical.. nothing like her twin but we considered that could be bc her twin is pregnant.. however this boy/girl has no testicles? is she both, or is she a male? or what is she.. we've had her for 8 months so this truly is such a shock
so my girl(boy) is named Betty.. I bought her as a twin (both girls) I also bought two bucks.. the Bucks had obviously huge testicles and the girls didn't so it was obvious the difference between the boys and girls right? but then this week we've noticed some really strange things and started putting some things together! Betty pees like the males.. (much like a dog, whereas her twin pees from her vagina right below her butt hole) her twin has teats and is on her first pregnancy.. Betty doesn't have teats and has never been pregnant (although lives with two males) also her twin has no horns.. Betty has only one horn.. and she has a goatee coming in it looks like.. we searched for her vagina and compared it to the known bucks-- look absolutely identical.. nothing like her twin but we considered that could be bc her twin is pregnant.. however this boy/girl has no testicles? is she both, or is she a male? or what is she.. we've had her for 8 months so this truly is such a shock
Look up hermaphrodite goats for pix. We have seen several over 20 years as 4-H goat leaders. The young kids are indistinguishable from does until about year old.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
It is probably a hermaphrodite goat. Go on line and look up hermaphrodite goat and see if you can find a picture. It is not a freemartin. Most of the good books on goats will discuss hermaphrodites. They are not uncommon. I have seen two during my 18 years as dairy project leader. One in my own herd and one in another herd that was sold to a 4-H child. The breeder replaced it with a doe kid for the 4-Her. The animal looks like a doe until it is about 9 to 12 months old. The vaginal area is shaped differently which is not detectable until adulthood. The breeder would not have recognized it as a hermaphrodite when it was a kid and would have sold it in good faith. If the breeder is honest, call them and tell them that the goat is a hermaphrodite. Most honest breeders will replace the kid with another doe kid. Kidding season is right now, so call right away while the breeder has kids this year. If you can't find a photo on line, I have one in one of my kid's 4-H books, but am not sure how to upload it. If you can't find one let me inow and I will try to have my son scan and post it.