Hi congrats on the goats and you might want to keep an eye on Rambo, little boy goats can mate Very young, I think about 3-4months, but the girls need to be a lot older. good luck
My little boy is only 7 weeks old and still being weaned. I am having difficulty getting him to take his bottle.
I have follwed the mix instructions on the milk replacement bag, which is 125g to a litre of water and he is supposed to be on three bottles a day for the next week and then two a day for a month.
This mix looks a bit rich to me, I am going to try a slightly weaker mix.
At the moment he is very healthy and playing around.
But that won't last long unless I can get some milk into him.
Also I have him in the same pen and shelter with the girls, two are 10 weeks old and weaned and the other is 4 months old.
Warthog is he eating at all? If he is eating put the milk replacer on the food dry. At 7 weeks he should be eating with the best of them. He should not have come off mom till 8, but you get what you get and hopefully it will work out. Make sure he is drinking water also, and you should not have to much trouble. You can also put the milk in a pan and see if he will drink from that. I am guessing that you don't have access to a lot of feeds and equipment for goats in Belize, but I am sure you can find what works.
The first one is Rambo, second Polly, third Pepper, fourth Poppy and last but not least three of my Chicks. Not such a good picture of Poppy, I think she is camera shy. The lady I bought the three girls from said she wasn't going to charge as much for Pepper, because she wasn't has pretty as the other two, well I think she is just wonderful, we love her.
The chicks I have twelve of them, all layers and they are now 8 weeks old. I don't give them names, I just call them the girls, I have enough to remeber the dogs, cats and now goats, without 12 chicks.
Griffins Ark, Thanks Rambo is eating not much on the grain, but I am working on that, he is browsing a bit of grass and weeds, and I am getting most of his bottle inside him. He appears fit, happy and healthy, and he's certainly a fighter, when I try to get the nipple in his mouth, he throws his head back, and I get his little horns, I am sure I will be full of little bruises at the end of this. But he's such a lovely little guy.