Help With Being Able to Drink Goats Milk


Just born
May 22, 2011
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Last few weeks I have been trading lady at work for fresh goats milk about every other week... One week I traded her a dozen duck eggs. A few weeks later a loaf of home made multi grain bread.

She brings me about a quart to quart and a half each time..
Hubby wants me to stop drinking it because he says it will make me fat . (fatter) I'm already about 50 to 60 lbs over weight. I'm 54 and 5ft 3..
I don't think it will make me any fatter.. but he says I'm drinking whole milk when I'm drinking the goats milk.. I've told him its easier for me to digest and better for me . I have trouble with heart burn so am taking the purple pill.. the goats milk seems to be easier on my stomach.. I've had the weight problem off and on for years after I had my kids in my 30's.. I lost down about 7 years ago but gained most of it back when I wasn't able to get as much exersise. He now wants me to lose back down again to 140 or 150. How do I get him to understand that the goats milk I get to have every other week or so isn't a problem..


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
First of all - Love yourself the way you are.

Second - milk is an important part of any diet and drinking goats milk alone is not going to make you fat. Do some internet searches and you will find the benefits of drinking milk as part of a healthy diet. And the fact that it is easier for you to drink goat's milk than cow's milk alone is why he should back off.


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
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Western MA
Proper fats are missing from the typical American diet and without good fats (animal fats! It is what our cell walls are made of and the building blocks of the chemical signalers in our bodies!) we crave junk more. I find that when I get my students (I teach weight management) to ADD good animal fats to their diets and get rid of veg oils and hydrogenated fats, the late night sweet cravings diminish dramatically. Butter, egg yolks, whole milk, cream, leave the skin on that chicken! All in moderation, of course.

Reduce (or even consider eliminating for a while) sugar and artificial sweeteners and high carb foods like flour (especially white), potatoes, corn, peas, and limit beans and the weight will start falling off. Oh, yeah, and if soy has been a part of your diet it can take 6 months or more for your body to heal from contains powerful hormone disruptors and will lower (or seriously damage) your thyroid function, leading to weight gain and other problems. Add LOTS of high fiber hard to get up to 2 lbs into you daily, this will boost weight loss because your body thinks food is plentiful (it is) and will not try to hang onto every calorie. Oh, don't forget to butter those veggies and cook those greens with salt pork or bacon!

Keep the goat's milk. It is very healing, as you've experienced. Lots of science on fats here: Search for whole milk, cream, or saturated fats.


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
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Western MA
Oh, and I drink at least a pint for breakfast every day and we manage to use up 2 gallons a day as cheese and in chowders and cheesecake and such and I am very close to what is consider ideal for my height. I stopped struggling so hard when I changed the way I eat and ignored the popular diet advice of low fat and artificial stuff. I do avoid sweet stuff a lot, though. It is now a treat, not a daily dessert after each meal and as a snack in between and in every drink.


Loving the herd life
Mar 6, 2010
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Tucson Arizona
Raw Goat Milk will not make anyone FAT!! The secret to losing weight is to MOVE more than you EAT. It is very simple, MOVING your muscles burns calories, eating adds calories, if you eat more than you move, you gain weight.

Get up walk around, do some simple exercises. I used a Wii to lose 30lbs in about three months. It was work, and sometimes I didn't feel like it at all. But... it was easy to see, when one moves more than they used to, and eats less, they lose weight.

Eat only good food, not processed junk, drink more water. Many times we eat when we are really only thirsty.

I use lots of eggs, butter, cream, cheeses, drink at least a glass of goat milk every day and I have great cholesterol tests.

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