Southern by choice
Herd Master
When do they get fur?
When do they get fur?
I'm bad with that too. I know they start getting their fur in after just a few days, but not sure how many!everyday a little more will grow in- it doesn't take very long at all, to tell you the truth, I really haven't counted days
And you'll be so busy posting pictures and updates on the new kids, you won't have time to smother the kits too muchSorry, super busy day! I was going to say 3days as well. I know average eye open is 10days. I'll do a day by day photo journal to see on the hair. These guys had facial hair and whisker already at birth! Dulce babies were super naked where these guys have baby hairs. Really interesting!
It has taken so much not to go in an love on them today! I figured a.m. and p.m. checks are sufficient and keeping my smothering at bay lol!!! I'll have new kids anyday now to smother.
So... won't the momma rabbits bite you or claw you for taking their babies?
Y'all can laugh if you want to ... I am ok with itTold you I know Nuthin' 'bout no rabbits!