...powder your toes rather than your nose,
...break a nail, and head for the tool shed,
..."fall off the wagon" it's a hay wagon, and you laugh and climb back on,
...the only pair of heels you own are made of mud,
...rather than "shop till you drop", you chop (veggies) till you drop,
...comb your hair, and more hay than hair comes out,
...accidentally call a CD cover a seed packet,
...meet someone from Holland, and accidentally say they're from New Holland,
...the only time you get on the scale is to weigh produce,
...pour concrete and sheet a roof one minute, and make dinner the next,
...you go "shopping" and come back with fish meal,
...say to your husband, "Honey, I need a ring," it's to go on a canning jar rather than your finger, ...pack a lunch, and put it in a Napa Auto Parts bag, ...find a green bean in the washing machine,
...grotesque is a fitting adjective for your brother's dirty socks, and you consider using nitrile gloves to turn them right side out and carry them to the laundry,
...after a days work, your arm feels too tired to lift your toothbrush,
To be continued as we live farm life...
By the farmers at
He's Alive! Farm