Hey all! BYC friend here!

Year of the Rooster

Chillin' with the herd
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
West Central Ohio
Hey everyone :D great to be on BYH! For those who don't know, I'm Brad. I'm a long time member of BYC and of the poultry hobby. This year I showed my first pair of market hogs in 4H and had a great experience with it. I also showed feeder calves my first three years of 4H and a heifer one year. Next year will be my last year of 4H and I'll be showing hogs and poultry again. I'm glad to be here because I hope to go to vet school in the future and would like to learn as much as I can about other animals besides chickens. :woot

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
:welcome from New Jersey.

Need more vets. Have you thought of goats? Wishing you luck in your last year of 4-H. Please let us know how it goes. :)

Year of the Rooster

Chillin' with the herd
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
West Central Ohio
Thanks! :)

Goats for showing or a goat vet? For showing, not really, though I like them. Poultry and hogs are what I'm sticking with, even though this year with my first hogs was terrible. You see, we live in a rural neighborhood, enough room for chickens and a vegetable garden, but nothing more. How I got into the hogs though was all thanks to our friends, who are also the advisors and the ones who started my 4H club in the first place. They had a gilt they kept from the year before who had a limp, so they couldn't take her to show. They never got around to butchering her so they decided to have her AI'd. She ended up having 11 piglets, but 2 died leaving 9. Then they asked if I wanted to take some this year along with their kids, which, how could I refuse an opportunity like this :D So, as often as I could I would go over there to help them feed, put down bedding, and I even tried to give them intramuscular injections of ivermectin (boy did the pigs hate that haha). Come fair time though, that's when everything went down hill. This summer was really hot and humid, and our pens being by the barn door didn't help any. My friend ended up losing his gilt (the three of us each had a gilt and barrow) to what we thought was just heat stroke. Little did we know it was actually Pneumonia and it was going through the whole hog barn because we weren't the only ones. Both of my hogs ended up catching it, and so did a couple of the others. Now the REALLY scary part was me having to take care of the pigs all by myself during all this while my the friends' whole family went to the state fair the day for other projects (they are great with wood working!). Let me tell you though, hearing a sick pig sqeal is like bloody murder! ugh, after that day I didn't want to be around another pig for a while haha. Fortunately the rest of them lived and made it to butcher.

Sorry for the long story, but I figured I'd explain why I'm interested in coming here in the first place :)

flemish lops

Overrun with beasties
Feb 27, 2011
Reaction score
Hoppy Valley
:frow I like to bring my rabbit to show for 4-h. This is also my last year in 4-h and will miss bringing rabbit. We used to raise pigs but we didn't show them, I'm pretty sure the rabbit and pig judging is at the same time for us so it wouldn't work out. :welcome


Exploring the pasture
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Monroe County, Ga
:welcome I too am from BYC so it's great to have a fellow poultry enthusiast wandering around over here. I'm hoping to learn about sheep, but I'm game for learning about pigs, rabbits, and just about anything that I think I might be able to convince my family we NEED. :lol:

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