Hi from NC


Exploring the pasture
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Monroe County, Ga
Hello everyone!! We are new to BYH but are members over at BYC!! A little background on us. I am married to a wonderful, loving and overall tolerant DH who puts up with my desire to live off the land as much as possible. We have one DD and are currently expecting #2 early next year (gender is to be announced whenever he/she arrives). We live in NC near Raleigh and just recently purchased a farmette (a small house with a few acres)!! The first thing we did was build a barn and a small run so we stocked that barn with 11 chickens (Orpingtons and Marans). We are looking into the possibility of adding a few dairy sheep into the mix if we can learn enough about them to make us informed shepherds. We are city folks that have migrated to the country life, so we know NOTHING about sheep (aside from Mary's lamb, but that doesn't count, right??), but are in the process of trying to learn as much as we can. Why sheep? Well, DD and I are allergic to cow/goat's milk and have heard that we could fair well on sheep's milk. We belong to a coop and are waiting for our first taste of sheep's milk, but it would be so refreshing to be able to enjoy cheese, creams and other such delicacies that we have been unable to have - unless we can add almond or coconut milk in it's place. :sick Aside from ice cream it doesn't work all that well!! :) If my mother in law has her way, we will not only have dairy sheep, but we will also have sheep for wool as she likes to spin her own yarn and seems to think that it would be just "peachy" for us to ship her the wool. Somehow she does not understand that shearing is an art and you can't just hack away at the poor animal's coat. :lol: Here I meant to have a short introduction and I have rambled, my apologies. Have a great day everyone!! I look forward to gleaning all I can from everyone!! :)


The Shepherd
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Howdy! Ignore my "where are you from" question in the sheep forum!

I'm in MD, but I have family in Winston-Salem, Warrenton, and Oxford, NC. :D


Exploring the pasture
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Monroe County, Ga
aggieterpkatie said:
Howdy! Ignore my "where are you from" question in the sheep forum!

I'm in MD, but I have family in Winston-Salem, Warrenton, and Oxford, NC. :D
Hehe...I saw this post too late, so I already posted there. I guess it can't hurt to have multiple answers?!? :)

Redtailgal & Marlowmanor - oohh...I might have to ask you a bunch of questions if you're into sheep!! I am having a dosey of a time trying to find things...and here we all have been conditioned to think the internet is great!! LOL.

Thanks for the great welcome everyone!! :)

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
newhomesteader2010 said:
aggieterpkatie said:
Howdy! Ignore my "where are you from" question in the sheep forum!

I'm in MD, but I have family in Winston-Salem, Warrenton, and Oxford, NC. :D
Hehe...I saw this post too late, so I already posted there. I guess it can't hurt to have multiple answers?!? :)

Redtailgal & Marlowmanor - oohh...I might have to ask you a bunch of questions if you're into sheep!! I am having a dosey of a time trying to find things...and here we all have been conditioned to think the internet is great!! LOL.

Thanks for the great welcome everyone!! :)
:welcome from New Jersey.

If you are into sheep, you should check out SheepGirl's page. Lots of information on how to take care of sheep. I've been there and learned a lot.

And here you will find a LOT of information, and people who will help point you in the right direction for the best care of your animals. With this forum, the internet is a great place to find your information and meet people out there who actually care and have tremendous knowledge to share. :)

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