B&B Happy goats
Herd Master
Welcome to the herd from Florida 

She’s a cutie. I was planning on raising and breeding them too. Every website I read was apparently based in a soutern state and I didn’t realize it. It said they did find outside. When we bought my pig at Christmas...the people sai$ she has to be kept inside....it is way too cold in NW PA for a true Juliana mini pig to be outside....so, we came home...read more, and, they were right. She couldn’t be under 50* We did not want a house pig. I’m not inside at all, plus I have an inside dog, that ever teases, that I ignore. Anyways, my hubby built he4 an insulated box...plywood, insulation, plywood...with heat lamp...it was 4’x 8’. It never got above 55*. Plus, we didn’t want her just living in a box? So, we found he4 a nice home with a family who had been looking for an indoor mini pig! We’re gonna breed pots in the spring...I already have those, and know the breed....I think it will be easier...what would you like to know about our pigs? the following pic is of my hubby with Lucy one of our breeders back when we first got her and we were socializing her so that she'd be easier to handle later in life. Now she's one of my lovey dovey babie makersWe learned that buying a pig was not as easy as raising a pig for breeding. By raising them ourselves we could train them to roll over for hoof trimming and belly rubs. The ones we didn't raise are a bit more to handle sometimes.
Welcome!! Wow!! Guinea Hogs. Those are just cute... I would love to take care of someone of these days... Welcome to our forums. I wanna hear more about those guinea hogs of yours.We have a small farm in very southern california. We currently breed julianas, american guinea hogs and pot bellies and next month we plan to finally breed our three kune females to our kune boar! We have Nigerian dwarf goats& breed them twice a year. We have bloodhounds that we plan to breed end of summer 2020. We have a ton of ducks and also four geese. Glad to have found this site hello everyone.