Thank you all for the warm welcome!!
We currently have a mixed flock, 2 Easter Egger hens and 1 Roo, 2 barred rock hens, 1 red sexlink, 1 black sexlink, 1 black austrolorp and 5 pullet chicks that we aren't sure of yet.
ANDD 1 tiny mallard duck that we hope stays put, lol...
We hope to start soon with a few goats, a nanny and billy for sure, any particular ones I should be on the lookout for?
Well, for the goat choice, it all depends on what you're "motive" is for getting them... If they'll be pets (brush controllers) then I would say any breed would do and I'd recommend wethers (castrated males). If you have a LOT of brush, then perhaps full sized goats, if only a little brush then perhaps Nigerian Dwarfs or one of the other small breeds. If you plan to raise them for freezer, then a meat breed would be called for. If you want fresh milk, then a dairy breed would obviously be better. Then there are crosses between meat and dairy to give the best of both. If you plan to sell for 4H or showing, then you'll need "papered" goats. If they will be yard ornaments, then papers really are not worth paying for (IMHO). Just keep in mind, if you get a female (doe) and an unaltered male (buck), you will need to keep them separated unless you want surprise/unplanned/unexpected pregnancies. Some of the smaller breeds are year round breeders, others are "fall" breeders... so just be aware. Good luck and ask more Q's if you need Be prepared for everyone to "push" their favorite breed(s) I like Lamanchas
Yay!!! New rabbit people!!! Rabbits are not as easy as they are made out to be, but they are not as much of a pain in the neck as many other animals. What purpose would you want your rabbits to serve?